Updated 2024.3.12 surveillance data as of week 09(2/26~3/3

NOTIFIABLE DISEASES, number of cases of the week and total number of cases by prefecture. Total number of cases was updated with delayed reported and discarded cases.

week 09


SENTINEL-REPORTING DISEASES (WEEKLY), number of cases and number of cases per sentinel of the week by prefecture. 

week 09


SENTINEL-REPORTING DISEASES (WEEKLY), total number of cases and number of cases per sentinel by prefecture. Total number of cases was updated with delayed reported and discarded cases.

week 09




IDWR(感染症発生動向調査 週報)



病原微生物検出情報(Infectious Agents Surveillance Report:IASR)は、全国の地方衛生研究所と検疫所から送られる最新の病原体検出報告に基づき作成されるグラフ・集計表および速報記事と、定期刊行物である月報に掲載される特集・国内情報・外国情報記事を公表しています。

Copyright 1998 National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan