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Report of medically important pests in disaster areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake and relating documents on pest control

A booklet “Report of medically important pests in disaster areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake and relating documents on pest control” was published on 15 March 2012 as an additional report of a Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases from The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (H21-Shinko-Ippan-005) to record medical pest problems appeared in the disaster areas and pest control activities practiced against the problems.

The booklet includes Special issues “Occurrence of medically and veterinary important pests in disaster areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011” appeared in Medical Entomology and Zoology Vol 63(1) in March 2012. The following documents are also included for reference; a report on mosquito surveillance in northern Fukushima Prefecture, a reprint of paper on ecology of Culex inatomii, brief notes on medically important flies and mosquitoes found abundant in disaster areas and their control, a leaflet for personal protection against entering flies and mosquitoes in temporary dwellings, official documents on pest control in disaster areas.(2012-04-06)

Full text pdf of each paper and documents and a pdf of the whole booklet are opened and available at this site.

Copyright 1998 National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan

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