CSIER ikonn 

Pick up Report/Research 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)関連論文紹介ページ

This is a regular literature update of COVID-19 topics. We attempt to update this webpage every week and include most recent reports in various field (based on the prespecified categories), but this is not an exhaustive list. This update does not necessarily reflect the views of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan as it is done as part of a research study group. The content of this page is subject to change and the link to the journal website may be expired if it is changed by the publisher.

We screen journals including New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, BMJ, JAMA, Cochrane Reviews, Annals of Internal Medicine, Nature, Science, Cell, PNAS, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Eurosurveillance, European Respiratory Journal. We also screen Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (University of Minnesota) website and COVID-19 Literature Situation Report (University of Washington Department of Global Health).

This is the last update. Thank you for visiting this page.

* This work is supported by the research grant on “Research on infectious disease surveillance and risk assessment to prepare for mass-gathering events and against emerging/re-emerging diseases” (H30-shinko-004).
** Due to technical reason, we leave the Japanese summary in this English version.

Last updated:March 31, 2022


Copyright 1998 National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan