Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 56, 107-109, 2003

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Short Communication

High Toxoplasma Antibody Prevalence among Inhabitants in Jakarta, Indonesia

Aya Terazawa, Rusli Muljono1, Lisawati Susanto1, Sri S. Margono1 and Eiji Konishi*

Department of Health Sciences, Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe 654-0142, Japan and 1Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

(Received March 14, 2003. Accepted June 12, 2003)

SUMMARY: We examined IgG antibody to Toxoplasma in sera from 1,693 inhabitants aged 20-85 years in Jakarta. The seroprevalence rate was 70%, without any significant differences between males (71%) and females (69%). Some epidemiological factors contributing to the high prevalences of antibody to Toxoplasma in inhabitants of urban areas in Indonesia were discussed.

*Corresponding author: Mailing address: Department of Health Sciences, Kobe University School of Medicine, Tomogaoka 7-10-2, Suma-ku, Kobe 654-0142, Japan. Tel & Fax: +81-78-796-4594, Email:

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