Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 58, 192-193, 2005

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Laboratory and Epidemiology Communications

A Fatal Food Intoxication Case due to Salmonella Haifa

Haruki Kaibu*, Hideaki Higashine, Kunihiro Iida, Shinsuke Ueki and Hiroko Ehara

Nagasaki City Laboratory of Public Health and Environment, Nagasaki 852-8104, Japan

Communicated by Haruo Watanabe

(Accepted May 30, 2005)

*Corresponding author: Mailing address: Nagasaki City Laboratory of Public Health and Environment, Morimachi 2-34, Nagasaki 852-8104, Japan. Fax: +81-95-846-4103, E-mail:

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