library(surveillance) library(lubridate) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(gcookbook) library(cowplot) library(scales) library(readr) data_shibo <- read.csv("hoge.csv") %>% filter(death_week != "NA") %>% filter(death_week < 570) ### farrington の変更 farringtonFlexible <- function(sts, control = list( range = NULL, # range of time points to be monitored b = 3, # how many years to go back in time? w = 3, # half-window length reweight = TRUE, # reweighting past outbreaks? weightsThreshold = 2.58, # with which threshold? verbose = FALSE, # printing information? glmWarnings = TRUE, # printing warning from alpha = 0.05, # approximate (two-sided) (1-alpha)% prediction interval trend = TRUE, # include a time trend when possible? pThresholdTrend = 0.05, # which pvalue for the time trend is significant? limit54 = c(5,4), # ignore if <5 reports during the past 4 weeks powertrans = "2/3", # power transformation for the data fitFun = "algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible", # which function to use? populationOffset = FALSE, # use a population offset in the model? noPeriods = 1, # how many periods between windows around reference weeks? pastWeeksNotIncluded = NULL, # how many past weeks not to take into account? thresholdMethod = "delta" # which method for calculating the threshold? )) { ###################################################################### # Use special Date class mechanism to find reference months/weeks/days ###################################################################### epochAsDate <- sts@epochAsDate ###################################################################### # Fetch observed and population ###################################################################### # Fetch observed observed <- observed(sts) freq <- sts@freq if (epochAsDate) { epochStr <- switch( as.character(freq), "12" = "month","52" = "week", "365" = "day") } else { epochStr <- "none" } # Fetch population population <- population(sts) ###################################################################### # Fix missing control options ###################################################################### defaultControl <- eval(formals()$control) control <- modifyList(defaultControl, control, keep.null = TRUE) if (is.null(control$range)) { control$range <- (freq*control$b + control$w + 1):nrow(observed) ## NOTE: this default is different from algo.farrington() } # Use factors in the model? Depends on noPeriods, no input from the user. control$factorsBool <- control$noPeriods != 1 # How many past weeks not to take into account? if (is.null(control$pastWeeksNotIncluded)) { control$pastWeeksNotIncluded <- control$w } # there is only one fitFun at the moment control$fitFun <- match.arg(control$fitFun, c("algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible")) # extract the threshold method thresholdMethod <- match.arg(control$thresholdMethod, c("delta", "nbPlugin", "muan")) # Adapt the argument for the glm function control$typePred <- switch(thresholdMethod, "delta" = "response", "nbPlugin" = "link", "muan" = "link") # Which threshold function? control$thresholdFunction <- switch(thresholdMethod, "delta" = "algo.farrington.threshold.farrington", "nbPlugin" = "algo.farrington.threshold.noufaily", "muan" = "algo.farrington.threshold.noufaily") # check options if (!((control$limit54[1] >= 0) && (control$limit54[2] > 0))) { stop("The limit54 arguments are out of bounds: cases >= 0 and period > 0.") } ###################################################################### # Initialize the necessary vectors ###################################################################### score <- trend <- pvalue <- expected <- mu0Vector <- phiVector <- trendVector <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = length(control$range), ncol = ncol(sts)) # Define objects n <- control$b*(2*control$w+1) dummy.mat <- matrix(0.0, ncol = ncol(sts), nrow = max(control$range)) # loop over columns of sts for (j in 1:ncol(sts)) { #Vector of dates if (epochAsDate) { vectorOfDates <- as.Date(sts@epoch, origin="1970-01-01") } else { vectorOfDates <- seq_len(length(observed[,j])) } # Loop over control$range for (k in control$range) { ###################################################################### # Prepare data for the glm ###################################################################### dayToConsider <- vectorOfDates[k] diffDates <- diff(vectorOfDates) dataGLM <-, b=control$b, freq=freq, epochAsDate=epochAsDate, epochStr=epochStr, vectorOfDates=vectorOfDates,w=control$w, noPeriods=control$noPeriods, observed=observed[,j],population=population, verbose=control$verbose, pastWeeksNotIncluded=control$pastWeeksNotIncluded,k) ###################################################################### # Fit the model ###################################################################### finalModel <- algo.farrington.glm(dataGLM,timeTrend=control$trend,populationOffset=control$populationOffset, factorsBool=control$factorsBool,reweight=control$reweight, weightsThreshold=control$weightsThreshold, pThresholdTrend=control$pThresholdTrend,b=control$b, noPeriods=control$noPeriods,typePred=control$typePred, fitFun=control$fitFun,glmWarnings=control$glmWarnings, epochAsDate=epochAsDate,dayToConsider=dayToConsider, diffDates=diffDates,populationNow=population[k,j],k, verbose=control$verbose) if (is.null(finalModel)) { #Do we have an alarm -- i.e. is observation beyond CI?? #upperbound only relevant if we can have an alarm (enoughCases) sts@alarm[k,j] <- NA sts@upperbound[k,j] <- NA mu0Vector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA # Get overdispersion phiVector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA # Get score score[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA #Compute bounds of the predictive pvalue[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA # Time trend trendVector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA trend[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA warning(paste("The model could not converge with nor without time trend at timepoint ", k," so no result can be given for timepoint ", k,".\n")) } else { pred <- finalModel$pred doTrend <- finalModel$doTrend coeffTime <- finalModel$coeffTime ###################################################################### # Calculate lower and upper threshold ###################################################################### argumentsThreshold <- list(predFit=pred$fit,predSeFit=pred$, phi=finalModel$phi, skewness.transform=control$powertrans, alpha=control$alpha, y=observed[k,j], method=control$thresholdMethod ) lu <-$thresholdFunction, args=argumentsThreshold) ###################################################################### # Postprocessing steps & output ###################################################################### #Compute exceedance score unless less than 5 reports during last 4 weeks. #Changed in version 0.9-7 - current week is included now enoughCases <- (sum(observed[(k-control$limit54[2]+1):k,j]) >=control$limit54[1]) #18 May 2006: Bug/unexpected feature found by Y. Le Strat. #the okHistory variable meant to protect against zero count problems, #but instead it resulted in exceedance score == 0 for low counts. #Now removed to be concordant with the Farrington 1996 paper. X <- ifelse(enoughCases,lu$score,NA) #Do we have an alarm -- i.e. is observation beyond CI?? #upperbound only relevant if we can have an alarm (enoughCases) sts@alarm[k,j] <- ! && (X>1) && observed[k,j]!=0 sts@upperbound[k,j] <- ifelse(enoughCases,lu$upper,NA) dummy.mat[k,j] <- ifelse(enoughCases,lu$lower,NA) # Possible bug alarm although upperbound <- 0? # Calculate expected value from glm if ($upper)==FALSE) { if ( control$typePred=="response"){ expected[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- ifelse(enoughCases,pred$fit,NA) } else{ expected[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- ifelse(enoughCases,exp(pred$fit),NA) } } else { expected[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA } # Calculate mean of the negbin distribution of the observation # Use linear predictor mean and sd eta0 <- pred$fit seEta0 <- pred$ # deduce the quantile for mu0 from eta0 which is normally distributed if (control$thresholdMethod=='nbPlugin'){ mu0Vector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- exp(eta0) } else { mu0Vector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- exp(qnorm(1-control$alpha, mean=eta0, sd=seEta0)) } # Get overdispersion phiVector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- finalModel$phi # Get score score[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- lu$score #Compute bounds of the predictive pvalue[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- lu$prob # Time trend if(doTrend) { trendVector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- coeffTime trend[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- 1 } else { trendVector[(k-min(control$range)+1),j] <- NA } } }#done looping over all time points } #end of loop over cols in sts sts@control$score <- score sts@control$pvalue <- pvalue sts@control$expected <- expected sts@control$mu0Vector <- mu0Vector sts@control$phiVector <- phiVector sts@control$trendVector <- trendVector sts@control$trend <- trend #Done return( list(sts[control$range,], dummy.mat)) } algo.farrington.referencetimepoints <- function(dayToConsider,b=control$b,freq=freq,epochAsDate,epochStr){ if (epochAsDate) { referenceTimePoints <- as.Date(seq(as.Date(dayToConsider, origin="1970-01-01"), length=(b+1), by="-1 year")) } else { referenceTimePoints <- seq(dayToConsider, length=(b+1),by=-freq) if (referenceTimePoints[b+1]<=0){ warning("Some reference values did not exist (index<1).") } } if (epochStr == "week") { # get the date of the Mondays/Tuesdays/etc so that it compares to # the reference data # (Mondays for Mondays for instance) # Vectors of same days near the date (usually the same week) # dayToGet dayToGet <- as.numeric(format(dayToConsider, "%w")) actualDay <- as.numeric(format(referenceTimePoints, "%w")) referenceTimePointsA <- referenceTimePoints - (actualDay - dayToGet) # Find the other "same day", which is either before or after referenceTimePoints referenceTimePointsB <- referenceTimePointsA + ifelse(referenceTimePointsA>referenceTimePoints,-7,7) # For each year choose the closest Monday/Tuesday/etc # The order of referenceTimePoints is NOT important AB <- cbind(referenceTimePointsA,referenceTimePointsB) ABnumeric <- cbind(as.numeric(referenceTimePointsA),as.numeric(referenceTimePointsB)) distMatrix <- abs(ABnumeric-as.numeric(referenceTimePoints)) idx <- (distMatrix[,1]>distMatrix[,2])+1 referenceTimePoints <- as.Date(AB[cbind(1:dim(AB)[1],idx)],origin="1970-01-01") } return(referenceTimePoints) } ################################################################################ # END OF REFERENCE TIME POINTS FUNCTION ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # RESIDUALS FUNCTION # anscombe.residuals(m,phi) # is defined in algo_farrington.R ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # WEIGHTS FUNCTION # algo.farrington.assign.weights(s,weightsThreshold) # is defined in algo_farrington.R ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # FORMULA FUNCTION ################################################################################ # Function for writing the good formula depending on timeTrend, # populationOffset and factorsBool formulaGLM <- function(populationOffset=FALSE,timeBool=TRUE,factorsBool=FALSE){ # Description # Args: # populationOffset: --- # Returns: # Vector of X # Smallest formula formulaString <- "response ~ 1" # With time trend? if (timeBool){ formulaString <- paste(formulaString,"+wtime",sep ="")} # With population offset? if(populationOffset){ formulaString <- paste(formulaString,"+offset(log(population))",sep ="")} # With factors? if(factorsBool){ formulaString <- paste(formulaString,"+seasgroups",sep ="")} # Return formula as a string return(formulaString) } ################################################################################ # END OF FORMULA FUNCTION ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # FIT GLM FUNCTION ################################################################################ algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible <- function(dataGLM, timeTrend,populationOffset,factorsBool,reweight,weightsThreshold,glmWarnings,verbose,control,...) { # Model formula depends on whether to include a time trend or not. theModel <- formulaGLM(populationOffset,timeBool=timeTrend,factorsBool) # Fit it -- this is slow. An improvement would be to use here. # This would change the syntax, however. if (glmWarnings) { model <- glm(formula(theModel),data=dataGLM,family = quasipoisson(link="log")) } else { model <- suppressWarnings(glm(formula(theModel),data=dataGLM,family = quasipoisson(link="log"))) } #Check convergence - if no convergence we return empty handed. if (!model$converged) { #Try without time dependence if (timeTrend) { theModel <- formulaGLM(populationOffset,timeBool=F,factorsBool) if (glmWarnings) { model <- glm(as.formula(theModel), data=dataGLM, family = quasipoisson(link="log")) } else { model <- suppressWarnings(glm(as.formula(theModel), data=dataGLM, family = quasipoisson(link="log"))) } if (verbose) {cat("Warning: No convergence with timeTrend -- trying without.\n")} } if (!model$converged) { if (verbose) {cat("Warning: No convergence in this case.\n")} if (verbose) {print(dataGLM[,c("response","wtime"),exact=TRUE])} return(NULL) } } #Overdispersion parameter phi phi <- max(summary(model)$dispersion,1) #In case reweighting using Anscome residuals is requested if (reweight) { s <- anscombe.residuals(model,phi) omega <- algo.farrington.assign.weights(s,weightsThreshold) if (glmWarnings) { model <- glm(as.formula(theModel),data=dataGLM, family=quasipoisson(link="log"), weights=omega) } else { model <- suppressWarnings(glm(as.formula(theModel),data=dataGLM, family=quasipoisson(link="log"), weights=omega)) } #Here, the overdispersion often becomes small, so we use the max #to ensure we don't operate with quantities less than 1. phi <- max(summary(model)$dispersion,1) } # end of refit. #Add wtime, response and phi to the model model$phi <- phi model$wtime <- dataGLM$wtime model$response <- dataGLM$response model$population <- dataGLM$population if (reweight) { model$weights <- omega } else{ model$weights <- model$weights } #Done return(model) } ################################################################################ # END OF FIT GLM FUNCTION ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # THRESHOLD FUNCTION FARRINGTON ################################################################################ algo.farrington.threshold.farrington <- function(predFit,predSeFit,phi, skewness.transform, alpha,y,method){ #Fetch mu0 and var(mu0) from the prediction object mu0 <- predFit tau <- phi + (predSeFit^2)/mu0 #Standard deviation of prediction, i.e. sqrt(var(h(Y_0)-h(\mu_0))) switch(skewness.transform, "none" = { se <- sqrt(mu0*tau); exponent <- 1}, "1/2" = { se <- sqrt(1/4*tau); exponent <- 1/2}, "2/3" = { se <- sqrt(4/9*mu0^(1/3)*tau); exponent <- 2/3}, { stop("No proper exponent in algo.farrington.threshold.")}) #Note that lu can contain NA's if e.g. (-1.47)^(3/2) lu <- sort((mu0^exponent + c(-1,1)*qnorm(1-alpha)*se)^(1/exponent), na.last=FALSE) #Ensure that lower bound is non-negative lu[1] <- max(0,lu[1],na.rm=TRUE) # probability associated to the observed value as quantile # hoehle 2018-09-12: fixed p-value bug detected by Lore Merdrignac q <- pnorm( y^(exponent), mean=mu0^exponent, sd=se,lower.tail=FALSE) # calculate score x <- ifelse([2])==FALSE,(y - predFit) / (lu[2] - predFit),NA) return(list(lower=lu[1],upper=lu[2],prob=q,score=x)) } ################################################################################ # END OF THRESHOLD FUNCTION FARRINGTON ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # THRESHOLD FUNCTION NOUFAILY ################################################################################ algo.farrington.threshold.noufaily <- function(predFit,predSeFit,phi, skewness.transform, alpha,y,method){ # method of Angela Noufaily with modifications # Use linear predictor mean and sd eta0 <- predFit seEta0 <- predSeFit # deduce the quantile for mu0 from eta0 which is normally distributed if (method=='nbPlugin'){ mu0Quantile <- exp(eta0) } else { mu0Quantile <- exp(qnorm(1-alpha, mean=eta0, sd=seEta0)) } if (mu0Quantile==Inf){ lu <- c(NA,NA) q <- NA # else is when the method is "muan" } else{ # Two cases depending on phi value if (phi>1){ lu<-c(qnbinom(alpha,mu0Quantile/(phi-1),1/phi), qnbinom(1-alpha,mu0Quantile/(phi-1),1/phi)) } else { lu<-c(qpois(alpha,mu0Quantile),qpois(1-alpha,mu0Quantile)) } # cannot be negative lu[1]=max(0,lu[1]) # probability associated to the observed value as quantile if (phi!=1){ q <- pnbinom(q= y-1 ,size=mu0Quantile/(phi-1),prob=1/phi,lower.tail=FALSE) } else{ q <- ppois(y-1,mu0Quantile,lower.tail=FALSE) } } # calculate score x <- ifelse([2])==FALSE,(y - predFit) / (lu[2] - predFit),NA) return(list(lower=lu[1],upper=lu[2],prob=q,score=x)) } ################################################################################ # END OF THRESHOLD FUNCTION NOUFAILY ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # BLOCKS FUNCTION ################################################################################ blocks <- function(referenceTimePoints,vectorOfDates,freq,dayToConsider,b,w,p, epochAsDate) { ## INPUT # freq: are we dealing with daily/weekly/monthly data? # b: how many years to go back in time # w: half window length around the reference timepoints # p: number of noPeriods one wants the year to be split into ## VECTOR OF ABSOLUTE NUMBERS # Very useful to write the code! vectorOfAbsoluteNumbers <- seq_len(length(vectorOfDates)) # logical vector indicating where the referenceTimePoints # are in the vectorOfDates referenceTimePointsOrNot <- vectorOfDates %in% referenceTimePoints ## VECTOR OF FACTORS vectorOfFactors <- rep(NA,length(vectorOfDates)) ## SETTING THE FACTORS # Current week if (epochAsDate==FALSE){ now <- which(vectorOfDates==dayToConsider) } else { now <- which(vectorOfDates==as.Date(dayToConsider)) } vectorOfFactors[(now-w):now] <- p # Reference weeks referenceWeeks <- rev(as.numeric( vectorOfAbsoluteNumbers[referenceTimePointsOrNot=='TRUE'])) for (i in 1:b) { # reference week refWeek <- referenceWeeks[i+1] vectorOfFactors[(refWeek-w):(refWeek+w)] <- p # The rest is only useful if ones want factors, otherwise only have # reference timepoints like in the old algo.farrington if (p!=1){ # Number of time points to be shared between vectors period <- referenceWeeks[i] - 2 * w - 1 - refWeek # Check that p is not too big if (period < (p-(2*w+1))){stop('Number of factors too big!')} # Look for the length of blocks lengthOfBlocks <- period %/% (p-1) rest <- period %% (p-1) vectorLengthOfBlocks <- rep(lengthOfBlocks,p-1) # share the rest of the Euclidian division among the first blocks add <- seq_len(rest) vectorLengthOfBlocks[add] <- vectorLengthOfBlocks[add]+1 # slight transformation necessary for the upcoming code with cumsum vectorLengthOfBlocks <- c(0,vectorLengthOfBlocks) # fill the vector for (j in 1:(p-1)) { vectorOfFactors[(refWeek+w+1+cumsum(vectorLengthOfBlocks)[j]): (refWeek+w+1+cumsum(vectorLengthOfBlocks)[j+1]-1)]<-j } } } ## DONE! return(vectorOfFactors) #indent } ################################################################################ # END OF BLOCKS FUNCTION ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # DATA GLM FUNCTION ################################################################################ <- function(dayToConsider, b, freq, epochAsDate,epochStr, vectorOfDates,w,noPeriods, observed,population, verbose,pastWeeksNotIncluded,k){ # Identify reference time points # Same date but with one year, two year, etc, lag # b+1 because we need to have the current week in the vector referenceTimePoints <- algo.farrington.referencetimepoints(dayToConsider,b=b, freq=freq, epochAsDate=epochAsDate, epochStr=epochStr ) if (sum((vectorOfDates %in% min(referenceTimePoints)) == rep(FALSE,length(vectorOfDates))) == length(vectorOfDates)){ stop("Some reference values did not exist (index<1).") } if (verbose) { cat("k=", k,"\n")} # Create the blocks for the noPeriods between windows (including windows) # If noPeriods=1 this is a way of identifying windows, actually. blocks <- blocks(referenceTimePoints,vectorOfDates,epochStr,dayToConsider, b,w,noPeriods,epochAsDate) # Here add option for not taking the X past weeks into account # to avoid adaptation of the model to emerging outbreaks blocksID <- blocks blocksID[(k-pastWeeksNotIncluded):k] <- NA # Extract values for the timepoints of interest only blockIndexes <- which( # Time # if epochAsDate make sure wtime has a 1 increment if (epochAsDate){ wtime <- (as.numeric(vectorOfDates[blockIndexes])- as.numeric(vectorOfDates[blockIndexes][1]))/as.numeric(diff(vectorOfDates))[1] } else { wtime <- as.numeric(vectorOfDates[blockIndexes]) } # Factors seasgroups <- as.factor(blocks[blockIndexes]) # Observed response <- observed[blockIndexes] # Population pop <- population[blockIndexes] if (verbose) { print(response)} dataGLM <- data.frame(response=response,wtime=wtime,population=pop, seasgroups=seasgroups,vectorOfDates=vectorOfDates[blockIndexes]) dataGLM <- dataGLM[$response)==FALSE,] return(dataGLM) } ################################################################################ # END OF DATA GLM FUNCTION ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # GLM FUNCTION ################################################################################ algo.farrington.glm <- function(dataGLM,timeTrend,populationOffset,factorsBool, reweight,weightsThreshold,pThresholdTrend,b, noPeriods,typePred,fitFun,glmWarnings,epochAsDate, dayToConsider,diffDates,populationNow,k,verbose) { arguments <- list(dataGLM=dataGLM, timeTrend=timeTrend, populationOffset=populationOffset, factorsBool=factorsBool,reweight=reweight, weightsThreshold=weightsThreshold,glmWarnings=glmWarnings, verbose=verbose,control=control) model <-, args=arguments) #Stupid check to pass on NULL values from the algo.farrington.fitGLM proc. if (is.null(model)) return(model) ###################################################################### #Time trend ###################################################################### #Check whether to include time trend, to do this we need to check whether #1) wtime is signifcant at the 95lvl #2) the predicted value is not larger than any observed value #3) the historical data span at least 3 years. doTrend <- NULL # if model converged with time trend if ("wtime" %in% names(coef(model))){ # get the prediction for k if(epochAsDate){ wtime=(as.numeric(dayToConsider)-as.numeric(dataGLM$vectorOfDates[1]))/as.numeric(diffDates)[1] } else { wtime <- c(k) } pred <- predict.glm(model,newdata=data.frame(wtime=wtime, population=populationNow, seasgroups=factor(noPeriods), dispersion=model$phi),,type="response") # check if three criterion ok #is the p-value for the trend significant (0.05) level significant <- (summary.glm(model)$coefficients["wtime",4] < pThresholdTrend) #have to use at least three years of data to allow for a trend atLeastThreeYears <- (b>=3) #no horrible predictions noExtrapolation <- (pred$fit <= max(dataGLM$response,na.rm=T)) #All 3 criteria have to be met in order to include the trend. Otherwise #it is removed. Only necessary to check this if a trend is requested. doTrend <- TRUE # if not then refit if (doTrend==FALSE) { arguments$timeTrend=FALSE model <-, args=arguments) } } else { doTrend <- TRUE } #done with time trend ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Calculate prediction # ###################################################################### #Predict value if(epochAsDate){ wtime=(as.numeric(dayToConsider)-as.numeric(dataGLM$vectorOfDates[1]))/as.numeric(diffDates)[1] } else { wtime <- c(k) } pred <- predict.glm(model,newdata=data.frame(wtime=wtime, population=populationNow, seasgroups=factor(noPeriods), dispersion=model$phi),,type=typePred) coeffTime=ifelse(doTrend,summary.glm(model)$coefficients["wtime",1],NA) finalModel <- list (pred,doTrend,coeffTime,model$phi) names(finalModel) <- c("pred","doTrend","coeffTime","phi") return(finalModel) } colnames(data_shibo) <- c("pref_todoke","prefectureEN", "prefectureJP", "death_week" , "week_ending_date", "n") dl =list() for(i in unique(data_shibo$prefectureEN)){ df <- data_shibo[data_shibo$prefectureEN==i,] df$week_ending_date <- as.character(df$week_ending_date) B <- new("sts", observed = df$n, state = rep(0, nrow(df)), start = c(2010, 1), freq = 52) ## 分析パラメータの設定 ## b:戻る年月 ## w:見る幅 control1 <- list(range = grep("2017|2018|2019|2020", df$week_ending_date), b = 3, w = 3, weightsThreshold = 2.58, pThresholdTrend = 1, noPeriods = 10, populationOffset=FALSE, fitFun="algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible", trend = TRUE, pastWeeksNotIncluded = 26, alpha = 0.05, thresholdMethod = "muan") ## 分析 fit <- farringtonFlexible(B, control = control1) ### ceiling 関数を使って切り上げ expect <- ceiling( fit[[1]]@control$expected ) upper <- fit[[1]]@upperbound ### farringtonflex の中身を変えて以下のlower を得る lower <- fit[[2]] lower <- lower[ (length(lower)-length(fit[[1]]@observed)+1):(length(lower)) ,1] di <- NULL dp <- NULL di <- data.frame( alarmL = ifelse(fit[[1]]@observed < lower, 1,0), alarmU = ifelse(fit[[1]]@observed > upper, 1,0), week_ending_date = as.Date( df$week_ending_date[grep("2017|2018|2019|2020", df$week_ending_date)], format = "%Y-%m-%d" ) ) names(di) <- c( "alarmL", "alarmU", "week_ending_date" ) dt <- di %>% mutate(alarmL_date = as_date(ifelse(alarmL, week_ending_date, NA))) dp <- dt %>% mutate(alarmU_date = as_date(ifelse(alarmU, week_ending_date, NA))) dp <- data.frame( dp, count = fit[[1]]@observed, "upper" = upper , "lower" = lower, "expect" = expect) names(dp) <- c("alarmL", "alarmU", "week_ending_date", "alarmL_date", "alarmU_date", "count", "upper", "lower", "expect") ymax <- max(fit[[1]]@observed, na.rm=T) ymax <- max(upper,ymax, na.rm=T) ymin <- min(fit[[1]]@observed, na.rm=T) ymin <- min(lower,ymin, na.rm=T) p <- ggplot(dp, aes(week_ending_date, count)) + theme_classic(base_family = "HiraKakuProN-W3") + theme(text = element_text(size = 18), panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "gray90"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 40, vjust = 1, hjust = 1)) + geom_col(width = 5, fill = "#2292f0") + geom_line(aes(y = upper), color = "#1bc066", size = 1.5) + geom_line(aes(y = lower), color = "#c01b75", size = 1.5) + geom_line(aes(y = expect), color = "#000000", size = 1.5) + ### lower の alarm geom_point(aes(x = alarmL_date, y = count + max(count)*0.01), color = "#c01b75", shape = 3, stroke = 1.5) + ### upper の alarm geom_point(aes(x = alarmU_date, y = count + max(count)*0.01), color = "#1bc066", shape = 3, stroke = 1.5) + scale_x_date(date_breaks = "3 month", date_labels = "%Y/%m", expand=c(0,0)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1.1*ymax), expand = FALSE) + labs(x = "日付", y = "死亡者数\n") + ggtitle(df$prefectureJP[df$prefectureEN==i]) dl[[i]] <- dp #print(p) #ggsave(file = paste("Figure_",i,".pdf", sep=""), plot = p, dpi =600, width = 25, height = 13, , family = "HiraKakuProN-W3") quartz(file = paste('Farrington_',unique(df$prefectureJP[df$prefectureEN==i]),'_each_fix.pdf',sep=""), type = "pdf", family = "HiraKakuProN-W3", width = 30, height = 20) print(p) } # calculate total result total = dl[[1]][,c("count","expect", "upper", "lower")] for(i in 2:47){ total = total + dl[[i]][,c("count","expect", "upper", "lower")] } total$alarmL = ifelse(total$counttotal$upper,1,0) total$week_ending_date = dl[[1]]$week_ending_date dp <- total %>% mutate(alarmL_date = as_date(ifelse(alarmL, week_ending_date, NA))) %>% mutate(alarmU_date = as_date(ifelse(alarmU, week_ending_date, NA))) p <- ggplot(dp, aes(week_ending_date, count)) + theme_classic(base_family = "HiraKakuProN-W3") + theme(text = element_text(size = 18), panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "gray90"), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 40, vjust = 1, hjust = 1)) + geom_col(width = 5, fill = "#2292f0") + geom_line(aes(y = upper), color = "#1bc066", size = 1.5) + geom_line(aes(y = lower), color = "#c01b75", size = 1.5) + geom_line(aes(y = expect), color = "#000000", size = 1.5) + ### lower の alarm geom_point(aes(x = alarmL_date, y = count + max(count)*0.01), color = "#c01b75", shape = 3, stroke = 1.5) + ### upper の alarm geom_point(aes(x = alarmU_date, y = count + max(count)*0.01), color = "#1bc066", shape = 3, stroke = 1.5) + scale_x_date(date_breaks = "3 month", date_labels = "%Y/%m", expand=c(0,0)) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max(dp$count + 2*max(dp$count)*0.01)*1.3), expand = FALSE) + labs(x = "日付", y = "死亡者数\n") + ggtitle("全国") quartz(file = paste('Farrington_全国_each_fix.pdf',sep=""), type = "pdf", family = "HiraKakuProN-W3", width = 30, height = 20) print(p)