英文論文 | 和文論文


ウイルス第一部 発表論文(2015年)


  1. Hamaguchi S, Cuong NC, Tra DT, Yen DH, Shimizu K, Tuan NQ, Yoshida LM, Quynh LM, Anh DD, Ando S, Arikawa J, Parry CM, Ariyoshi K, Thuy PT. Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of Scrub Typhus and Murine Typhus among Hospitalized Patients with Acute Undifferentiated Fever in Northern Vietnam. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine (2015 Mar 16 [Epub ahead of print])
  2. Harasawa R, Fujita H, Kadosaka T, Ando S, Rikihisa Y. Proposal for ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemomuris subsp. musculi’ in mice, and ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemomuris subsp. ratti’ in rats. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65(Pt2):734-737, 2015
  3. Hoshino K, Isawa H, Kuwata R, Tajima S, Takasaki T, Iwabuchi K, Sawabe K, Kobayashi M, Sasaki T. Establishment and characterization of two new cell lines from the mosquito Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett) (Diptera: Culicidae). In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal (2015 Mar 12 [Epub ahead of print])
  4. Moi ML, Ami Y, Shirai K, Lim CK, Suzaki Y, Saito Y, Kitaura K, Saijo M, Suzuki R, Kurane I, Takasaki T. Formation of infectious dengue virus-antibody immune complex in vivo in marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) after passive transfer of anti-dengue virus monoclonal antibodies and infection with dengue virus. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 92(2):370-376, 2015
  5. Murase Y, Konnai S, Yamada S, Githaka N, Isezaki M, Ito T, Takano A, Ando S, Kawabata H, Murata S, Ohashi K. An investigation of binding ability of Ixodes persulcatus Schulze Salp15 with Lyme disease spirochetes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 60:59-67, 2015
  6. Nukuzuma S, Sugiura S, Nakamichi K, Kameoka M, Nukuzuma C, Tasaki T, Takegami T. Replication of IMR-32-adapted JC virus clones in human embryonic kidney cells. Microbiology and Immunology 59(4):238-242, 2015
  7. Sano Y, Nakano Y, Omoto M, Takao M, Ikeda E, Oga A, Nakamichi K, Saijo M, Maoka T, Sano H, Kawai M, Kanda T. Rituximab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy derived from non-Hodgkin lymphoma: neuropathological findings and results of mefloquine treatment. Internal Medicine 54(8):965-970, 2015
  8. Shinohara N, Matsumoto C, Chatani M, Uchida S, Yoshikawa T, Shimojima M, Satake M, Tadokoro K. Efficacy of the Mirasol pathogen reduction technology system against severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV). Vox Sang (2015 Jun 1 [Epub ahead of print])
  9. Tajima S, Yagasaki K, Kotaki A, Tomikawa T, Nakayama E, Moi ML, Lim CK, Saijo M, Kurane I, Takasaki T. In vitro growth, pathogenicity, and serological characteristics of the Japanese encephalitis virus genotype V Muar strain. Journal of General Virology (2015 Jun 5 [Epub ahead of print])
  10. Yoshikawa T, Shimojima M, Fukushi S, Tani H, Fukuma A, Taniguchi S, Singh H, Suda Y, Shirabe K, Toda S, Shimazu Y, Nomachi T, Gokuden M, Morimitsu T, Ando K, Yoshikawa A, Kan M, Uramoto M, Osako H, Kida K, Takimoto H, Kitamoto H, Terasoma F, Honda A, Maeda K, Takahashi T, Yamagishi T, Oishi K, Morikawa S, Saijo M. Phylogenetic and geographic relationships of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in China, South Korea, and Japan. Journal of Infectious Diseases (2015 Mar 11 [Epub ahead of print])
  11. Singh H, Shimojima M, Ngoc TC, Quoc Huy NV, Chuong TX, Le Van A, Saijo M, Yang M, Sugamata M. Serological evidence of human infection with Pteropine orthoreovirus in Central Vietnam. Journal of Medical Virology 2015 May 22. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24274. [Epub ahead of print]
  12. Sakai K, Hagiwara K, Omatsu T, Hamasaki C, Kuwata R, Shimoda H, Suzuki K, Endoh D, Nagata N, Nagai M, Katayama Y, Oba M, Kurane I, Saijo M, Morikawa S, Mizutani T, Maeda K. Isolation and characterization of a novel Rhabdovirus from a wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Japan. Veterinary Microbiology 2015 Sep 30;179(3-4):197-203. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2015.05.013. Epub 2015 May 23.
  13. Fukuma A, Tani H, Taniguchi S, Shimojima M, Saijo M, Fukushi S. Inability of rat DPP4 to allow MERS-CoV infection revealed by using a VSV pseudotype bearing truncated MERS-CoV spike protein. Archive of Virology 2015 Jul 4. [Epub ahead of print]
  14. Saito Y, Moi ML, Kotaki A, Ikeda M, Tajima S, Shiba H, Hosono K, Saijo M, Kurane I, Takasaki T. Detection of dengue virus nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) in urine samples using ELISA as a laboratory diagnostic method for dengue virus infection. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases (in press)



  1. 安藤秀二.リケッチア症.臨床と微生物 42(1): 51-56, 2015
  2. 伊﨑祥子,田中覚,田島孝士,中道一生,西條政幸,野村 恭一.特発性CD4+リンパ球減少症の関連が示唆された小脳・脳幹型進行性多巣性白質脳症の1例.臨床神経学 55(5):345-348, 2015
  3. 林昌宏.致死的な人獣共通感染症である狂犬病.日本医事新報 4749:49, 2015
  4. 林昌宏.チクングニア熱の流行域の拡大.化学療法の領域 31(6):1276-1282, 2015
  5. 下島昌幸.西アフリカにおけるエボラ出血熱の流行の背景と対策.化学療法の領域 31(6):1254-1258, 2015
  6. 須田遊人,下島昌幸.クリミア・コンゴ出血熱-治療法、予防法、診断法の展望.医学のあゆみ 253(1):31-36, 2015
  7. 山田壮一.Bウイルス感染症.臨床と微生物 42(1):75-80, 2015
  8. 吉河智城,西條政幸.エボラ出血熱と免疫機構.臨床免疫・アレルギー科 63(3):288-292, 2015
  9. 西條政幸.重症熱性血小板減少症候群(SFTS).公衆衛生情報44(10):20-21, 2015
  10. 西條政幸.エボラ出血熱流行と国立感染症研究所.生活と環境 60(3):27−32,2015
  11. 西條政幸.新興・再興ウイルス感染症-SFTS,MERSおよびEVD-.現代化学534(9):18−21,2015
  12. 西條政幸.新興ウイルス感染症.14(8):928-931, 2015
  13. 山田壮一,西條政幸.防疫-感染症対策の歩み-.生体の科学 66(4):356-359, 2015
  14. 西條政幸.序 –国境を越える感染症の流行-.化学療法の領域 31(6):1246-1247, 2015
  15. 西條政幸.常時警戒すべき輸入感染症 –日本において監視されるべき輸入感染症-.化学療法の領域 31(6):1333-1338, 2015
  16. 福間藍子,西條政幸.マダニが媒介する新しい感染症 –重症熱性血小板減少症候群-.デルマ(Derma) 233:55-62, 2015
  17. 西條政幸,森田公一.エボラウイルス病の国内対策:BSL-4施設の必要性.ウイルス 65(1):89-84, 2015
  18. 西條政幸.ウイルス性出血熱.感染炎症免疫 45(1)2-9, 2015
  19. 西條政幸.重症熱性血小板減少症候群:まれではあるが致命率の高いダニ媒介性ウイルス感染症.科学 85(6):559-562, 2015
  20. 西條政幸.拡大するエボラウイルス感染症の状況をよむ.科学 84(11):1120-1125, 2015


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