

令和6年度 感染研市民公開講座 知らなかった、感染症の「へぇー、そうだったんだ!」 (全6回)

掲載日:2024年5月8日 オンライン企画(世界中どこからでも視聴可能!) 令和6年度 国立感染症研究所 感染研市民公開講座知らなかった、感染症の「へぇー、そうだったんだ!」 【満員御礼】 (2024年5月29日追記) 定員に達しましたので、以下のコースの受講登録を終了させていただ...


IASR最新号 特集記事

IASR 45(5), 2024【特集】腸管出血性大腸菌感染症 2024年3月現在

  腸管出血性大腸菌感染症 2024年3月現在 (IASR Vol. 45 p71-73: 2024年5月号)   病因, 臨床症状: 腸管出血性大腸菌(enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: EHEC)感染症はVero毒素(Vero toxin: VTまたはShiga toxin: Stx)を産生するEHECの...


Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 65 (5), 427-429, 2012

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Seung-Yong Park1, Tae-Jong Kim1, Hachung Yoon2, Joon-Young Kim1, Myeong-Jin Lee3, and Won-Chang Lee1*

1College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701; 2Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Anyangsi Gyeonggido 480-757, Korea; and 3Public Health in Department of Nutritional Science, Otemae College of Nutrition, Osaka 540-0080, Japan

(Received February 27, 2012. Accepted June 7, 2012)

*Corresponding author: Mailing address: College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Korea. Tel: +82-16-223-9096, E-mail: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。

SUMMARY: This study concerns the quantitative analysis of brucellosis outbreaks and the related risk factors and control programs for both domestic cattle and human brucellosis infections in Korea between 2002 and 2009. There were a total of 77,082 infections of bovine brucellosis (BB) in domestic cattle with a prevalence rate (PR) of 13.3 per 1,000 cattle; during the same period there were 620 cases of human brucellosis (HB) with a PR of 0.16 per 100,000 persons. Moreover, the correlation coefficient of brucellosis outbreaks between cattle and humans was highly significant (r = +0.985). The attack ratio of HB cases was 8.04 per 1,000 BB cases. The distribution of brucellosis outbreaks was concentrated in the southeast region of Korea (P < 0.01). Significantly more males were infected than females (86.9% versus 13.1%), and a high incidence of HB was observed in those aged more than 40 years (86.1%). The majority of HB cases occurred primarily among rural inhabitants (92.3%) and among famers and related workers (47.9%). Finally, all of the measures that were applied in the extensive eradication program for brucellosis outbreaks and control were based principally on an intensive test-and-slaughter policy and contributed significantly to the reduction in the outbreaks of brucellosis in Korea.

Copyright 1998 National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan