
7th meeting of the COVID-19 advisory board of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (September 1st, 2020).


Recent infection status, etc. (as of September 1st, 2020)

Trends in the number of new infections

  • Infections by the time of onset appear to have reached a peak at the end of July across the country, and the effective reproduction number in all major cities is recently below 1.
  • New infections are showing a slight decrease across the country, possibly owing to active measures in high-risk places such as night clubs and similar entertainment establishments where food and beverages are served, cooperation with a request for self-restraint by prefectural governments, and changes in the behavior of citizens; however, the trend in the number of infections varies between regions.

Cumulative number of infections per 100,000 people for one week (August 25 to 31): 4.13 (5,209↓) nationwide, 9.98 (1,389↓) in Tokyo, 4.05 (306↓) in Aichi, 7.36 (648↓) in Osaka, 8.41 (429↓) in Fukuoka, and 15.97 (232↓) in Okinawa

Rate of cases of unknown infection route (August 22 to 28): 50.8% (0.1%↓ from previous week) nationwide, 59.5% (2.4%↓) in Tokyo

Trends in the number of inpatients (*)

  • The number of inpatients is decreasing slightly, though it is at a high level. The ratio of the number of inpatients to the number of available beds (in parenthesis) shows a similar trend; it is increasing in some regions in particular and remains high.
    ・Number of inpatients (August 26): 5,581↓ (24.5%) nationwide, 1,588↓ (48.1%) in Tokyo, 369↑ (46.6%) in Aichi, 483↓ (38.4%) in Osaka, 272↓ (55.5%) in Fukuoka, and 289 ↓ (62.7%) in Okinawa
  • The number of patients with severe disease has been increasing from early July; however, it is at a similar level to that during the previous week and has not reached the peak that was seen around April (381 [April 28]).
    ・Number of patients with severe disease (August 26): 331 (274↓) (11.5% [9.6%]*) nationwide, 83 (43↓) (20.8% [10.5%]*) in Tokyo, 21↑ (30.0%) in Aichi, 72↑ (38.3%) in Osaka, 16↓ (26.7%) in Fukuoka, and 24↓ (49.0%) in Okinawa

Test system

  • Although the number of tests fluctuated, the rate of positive test results to the most recent number of tests is 4.0%, which decreased by 0.3% points from the previous week and remains low compared to that under the state of emergency (8.8% from April 6 to 12).
    ・Number of tests (August 24 to 30): 133,493↓ nationwide, 36,090↓ in Tokyo, 4,707↓ in Aichi, 10,634↓ in Osaka, 8,878↓ in Fukuoka, and 2,632↓ in Okinawa
    ・Rate of positive test results (August 24 to 30): 4.0% (0.3% points↓ from previous week) nationwide, 3.8% (0.3% points↓) in Tokyo, 6.5% (1.9% points↓) in Aichi, 6.2% (0.9% points) ) in Osaka, 5.1% (0.5% points ↑) in Fukuoka, and 8.8% (1.8% points↑) in Okinawa
“Trends in numbers of inpatients” are based on “Surveillance of the Status of Care for Patients with Novel Coronavirus Infection and the Number of Beds” by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. This surveillance is conducted/published at 0:00 on the day of publication. Concerning the number of patients with severe disease, the criteria for the targets differ from those published on August 14 or earlier. The figures in parentheses represent comparison with the same criteria for the previous week. ↑ represents an increase from the previous week, and ↓ represents a decrease.



Copyright 1998 National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan

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