103rd Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (October 20, 2022) Material 1
* The value of new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 397 (approximately 355 in Sapporo City), and the ratio to the previous week was 1.60. The use rate of beds is approximately 20%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 190, 188, and 224, and the ratios to the previous week were 1.47, 1.34, and 1.35, respectively.
The use rates of beds were slightly over 20% in Ibaraki and Gunma, and slightly over 10% in Tochigi.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 169, and the ratio to the previous week was 1.25. The use rate of beds was slightly over 10%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases was below 10%.
In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 152, 145, and 146, respectively, and the ratios to the previous week were 1.23, 1.20, and 1.16, respectively.
The use rates of beds were approximately 20% in Saitama, slightly under 20% in Kanagawa and slightly over 10% in Chiba.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 151, and the ratio to the previous week was 1.28. The use rate of beds was slightly over 20%.
In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 249, 191, and 217, and the ratios to the previous week were 1.46, 1.43, and 1.45, respectively.
The use rates of beds were slightly over 10% in Gifu, slightly under 20% in Shizuoka, and approximately 20% in Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 205, and the ratio to the previous week was 1.40. The use rate of beds was slightly over 10%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases was below 10%.
In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 220, 133, 157, 191, and 282, and the ratios to the previous week were 1.33, 1.22, 1.49, 1.47, and 1.75, respectively.
The use rates of beds were slightly over 20% in Shiga, approximately 20% in Wakayama, and slightly over 10% in Hyogo, Kyoto and Nara.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 153, and the ratio to the previous week was 1.38. The use rate of beds was approximately 10%.
In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 178, 148, 186, 188, 169, and 134, and the ratios to the previous week were 1.33, 1.25, 1.28, 1.41, 1.26, and 1.01, respectively. The use rates of beds were slightly over 10% in Kumamoto, Oita, and Kagoshima, approximately 10% in Nagasaki and Miyazaki, and slightly under 10% in Saga.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 132, and the ratio to the previous week was 0.85. The use rate of beds was approximately 10%, and the use rate of beds for severe cases was slightly under 10%.
In Iwate, Yamagata, Toyama and Kagawa the ratios to the previous week were 1.53, 1.56, 1.51, and 1.60, respectively. The use rates of beds were slightly over 20% in Aomori, Akita, Fukushima, Ishikawa, Nagano and Hiroshima.
Immunity acquired from vaccination and natural infection may decline over time. Although the vaccination rate is higher among people in their 60s and older than those in their 20s to 40s, the acquisition of immunity by infection is lower, and there is concern about the spread of infection among elderly people.
The nighttime population is increasing in many regions. There is also a concern that the nighttime population will further increase toward the end of the year.
In Japan, the BA.5 lineage has largely become mainstream, and is replacing others. At present, there is not a trend toward further replacement by other lineages.
Weather conditions will be favorable for ventilation for a while, but ventilation may be difficult on days with a low temperature or bad weather such as heavy rainfall.
Prefectural governments must take measures to avoid overcrowding of beds and fever outpatient clinics with the support of the national government.
Re-inspection and implementation of the following basic infection control measures are necessary.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses.
In the death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer‘s outbreak, it is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. In the current spread of infection, the rate of severe cases has continued to decrease and the ratio of elderly people among hospitalized patients has increased compared to the previous summer, following the previous outbreak. Among the deaths in this outbreak, mechanical ventilation/nasal high flow use rates and steroid prescription rates have decreased compared to the previous outbreak.
Among fatal cases in which endogenous death was identified in infected children, cases without underlying diseases were also found. Preliminary reports on the results of on-site investigations have stated that it is necessary to pay attention to neurological symptoms such as convulsions and disturbance of consciousness, and systemic symptoms other than respiratory symptoms such as vomiting and poor oral intake.
According to Japanese data, risk of infection remains until 10 days after onset, and infectivity is high until 7 days after onset. Even after waiting for 5 days, 1/3 of patients are still shedding infectious viruses. On Day 8 (after waiting 7 days), most patients (approximately 85%) had not shed infectious virus, and it was reported that even in those who shed the virus, the amount of virus decreased to one-sixth after 7 days compared to the initial stage.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
While the BA.5 lineage continues to be mainstream in the world, there are many reports of sublineages of the Omicron variant and recombinants which have characteristic mutations in the spike protein. There are also sublineages for which superiority in an increase in infected patients has been indicated, including the BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 lineages (sublineages of the BA.5.3 lineage), which are frequently reported in Europe and the United States, as well as the XBB lineage (recombinant of the BJ.1 lineage [sublineages of the BA.2.10 lineage] and the BM.1.1.1 lineage [sublineages of the BA.2.75.3 lineage]), which has been reported mainly in India and Singapore. In particular, in the United States, there is concern that the proportion of the BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 lineages will increase in the future. However, no clear findings of infectivity and severity, etc. of these variants have been obtained. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the new sublineages and recombinants, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
Published: October 26, 2022
Center for Field Epidemic Intelligence, Research and Professional Development,
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Center for Surveillance, Immunization, and Epidemiologic Research,
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
We would like to express our deepest condolences to the bereaved families of all those who have passed away after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Background and objectives
The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) requested local public health authorities to conduct genome analysis of severe and fatal cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection to accumulate and monitor knowledge on the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the basis of “the enhanced field epidemiological investigation requested for conducting genome analysis and variant screening by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for SARS-CoV-2 (Administrative notice #0205-4 from the Director of Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Control Division, Health Serviced Bureau of MHLW on February 5, 2021; partially revised on February 10, 2022)” and “Regarding the handling of hospital admissions and discharges, close contacts, and disclosure of patients with confirmed infection by the B.1.1.529 lineage (Omicron variant) (Administrative notice from MHLW on February 2, 2021)” promulgated by Article 15, the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases (Act No. 114 of October 2, 1998).
Recently, the MHLW and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) have been concerned about the severe or fatal pediatric cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection as the number of pediatric cases increased 1), so we conducted an epidemiological investigation of fatal cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients under 20 years old (fatal pediatric cases). Fatal pediatric cases included those caused both directly and indirectly by SARS-CoV-2 infection. We collaborated with three academic societies: the Japan Pediatric Society, the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, and the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine.
This record is an interim analysis of the fatal pediatric cases reported from January 1 to August 31, 2022.
Subjects who satisfied either of the following two conditions were included in the investigation. Research staff or fellows of the Field Epidemiology Training Program for NIID collected epidemiological data of local health authorities and visited medical institutions to collect data on medical records if possible and interview physicians (hereafter, field investigation).
Subjects investigated
1)Patients under 20 years old whose date of onset (or admission date) was on January 1, 2022, or later, and who died during the acute phase of infection with SARS-CoV-2.
2)Patients under 20 years old whose date of onset (or admission date) was on January 1, 2022, or later, and who died after the acute phase of infection with SARS-CoV-2 (including cases with other causes of death).
Items investigated
Age, sex, underlying disease, vaccine history of SARS-CoV-2 immunization, date of onset, date of death, symptoms/findings, disease suspected of causing death, and others.
Results (Interim)
A summary of the cases and results of the field investigation as of August 31, 2022, follows below. In collecting the information on the cases, it was difficult to classify the subjects into those exactly meeting criterion 1) or 2). Moreover, we have taken care to ensure that individuals are not identifiable.
〇 Summary of the cases
The total number of cases was 41 (age: <1 year old, n=8 [20%]; 1–4 years old, n=10 [24%]; 5–10 years old, n=17 [41%]; 12–19 years old, n=5 [12%]; and unknown, n=1 [2%]; sex: males, 23 cases [56%] and females, 18 cases [44%]). The figure shows the distribution of cases based on the date of onset after January 1, 2022 (epidemiological week 52, 2021). Cases have been continuously reported since January 2022 and started to increase from epidemiological week 28 (July 11–July 17).
Figure. Reported number of deaths in patients under 20 years of age after SARS-CoV-2 infection (n=34*; date of onset or admission date from January 1, 2022 [week 52, 2021] to August 31, 2022 [week 35, 2022]) (as of August 31, 2022**)
* Seven cases were excluded for unknown date of onset.
** Case numbers in late August may not reflect the actual number of cases due to delayed reporting, so care must be taken in interpreting the data.
〇 Results of the field investigation
Of the 41 cases, we could conduct a field investigation of 32 cases. Among them, 29 cases were considered to be endogenous deaths (death due to other than trauma). The details of these 29 cases are as follows (Table).
Among the 29 cases, eight (28%) patients were <1 year old, six (21%) were 1–4 years old, 12 were 5–11 years old, and three (10%) were 12–19 years old, of whom 16 cases (55%) were in males and 13 cases (45%) were in females. Underlying disease was present in 14 (48%) patients and absent in 15 (52%). As of August 31, 2022, details of underlying disease, including duplicates, showed seven with central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities (50%), two with congenital heart disease (14%), and two with chromosomal abnormalities (14%). Among these 29 patients, 14 (48%) were not eligible for SARS-CoV-2 immunization and 15 (52%) were. Among the 15 patients eligible for SARS-CoV-2 immunization who were 5 years old or older, 13 (87%) were not vaccinated, and two (13%) were vaccinated twice, both of whom were 12 years old or older and whose last vaccination had been more than three months earlier. Moreover, a high number of symptoms or clinical findings on hospital arrival included fever in 23 cases (79%), nausea and/or vomiting in 15 (52%), disturbance of consciousness in 13 (45%), cough in nine (31%), inadequate intake of nutrition in nine (31%), seizure in eight (28%), and dyspnea in seven (24%). The main diseases suspected of causing death in medical institutions included cardiac abnormalities (n=7, 24%: myocarditis, arrhythmia, etc.), CNS abnormalities (n=7, 24%: acute encephalopathy, etc.), respiratory abnormalities (n=3, 10%: pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, etc.), other diseases (n=6, 21%: multiple organ failure, etc.), and unknown cause of death (n=6, 21%). Several patients with a more rapid disease progression died due to CNS abnormalities such as encephalopathy, etc., and cardiac abnormalities such as myocarditis or arrhythmia. The date of onset was determined in 26 of the 29 cases, and the number of days from onset to death was a median of four days (range: 0–74 days), with eight patients (31%) dying in 0–2 days, 11 dying (42%) in 3–6 days, and seven dying (27%) in 7 days or more.
Of the 29 cases, 14 were thought to have underlying disease, including eight cases (57%) in patients under 5 years old (including four under one year old) and six cases (43%) in patients 6 years old or older. Nine cases (64%) were in males and five cases (36%) were in females. Symptoms or clinical findings on hospital arrival included fever in 11 cases (79%), dyspnea in seven (50%), nausea and/or vomiting in six (43%), cough in five (36%), inadequate intake of nutrition in four (29%), seizure in three (21%), and disturbance of consciousness in three cases (21%). In the medical institutions, the main diseases suspected of causing death were cardiac abnormality (n=3, 21%), respiratory abnormality (n=3, 21%), CNS abnormality (n=2, 14%), other disease (n=3, 21%), and unknown disease (n=3, 21%). Among these 14 cases, date of onset could be obtained in 12, and the number of days from onset to death was a median of four days (range: 1–74 days), with three patients (25%) dying in 0–3 days, seven dying (58%) in 3–6 days, and two dying (17%) in 7 days or more.
Of the 29 cases, 15 were considered to have no underlying disease. These included six cases (40%) in patients under five years old (including four under one year old) and nine cases (60%) in patients over 5 years old. Seven cases (47%) were in males and eight cases (53%) were in females. Symptoms or clinical findings on hospital arrival included fever in 12 cases (80%), disturbance of consciousness in 10 (67%), nausea and/or vomiting in nine (60%), seizure in five (33%), inadequate intake of nutrition in five (33%), cough in four (27%), and no cases (0%) with dyspnea. In the medical institutions, the main diseases suspected of causing death were CNS abnormalities (n=5, 33%), cardiac abnormalities (n=4, 27%), other disease (n=3, 20%), unknown cause of death (n=3, 20%), and respiratory abnormalities (n=0, 0%). Date of onset was obtained in 14 of the 15 cases, and the number of days from onset to death was a median of 4.5 days (range: 0–15 days), with five patients (36%) dying in 0–2 days, four dying (29%) in 3–6 days, and five dying (36%) in 7 days or more.
Table. Characteristics of fatal cases under 20 years of age after SARS-CoV-2 infection (n=29; limited to clearly endogenous deaths occurring only from January 1 to August 31, 2022; as of August 31, 2022)
* Three cases whose date of onset or death was uncertain were excluded. Included were 12 cases with underlying disease and 14 cases without underlying disease.
As of August 31, 2022, we described the interim report on 41 fatal pediatric cases from January 1 to August 31, 2022.
The number of cases had increased from mid-July 2022. In this field investigation, fatal pediatric cases caused by clearly endogenous factors included those in patients not only with underlying disease but also in patients with no underlying disease. Thus, families and healthcare workers might need to carefully follow the course of symptoms in those after SARS-CoV-2 infection. SARS-CoV-2 immunization was not administered in many of the fatal pediatric cases even though the children were of an approved age for the immunization. Moreover, compared to the registry of Japanese children with COVID-19 done by the Japan Pediatrics Society 2), the symptoms of the fatal pediatric cases in this investigation, except for respiratory symptoms, included a high proportion of nausea and/or vomiting (52%), disturbance of consciousness (45%), inadequate intake of nutrition (31%), and seizure (28%). The severity of COVID-19 is mainly classified only according to respiratory symptoms 3), but our results suggested that pediatric cases should be carefully followed up not only for respiratory symptoms but also for symptoms of CNS abnormalities such as disturbance of consciousness and seizure, vomiting, and inadequate intake of nutrients. The duration from onset to death was under one week in 73% of the patients, and our results further suggested that careful follow-up of the cases was important especially for the first week after onset of the disease.
Limitations and further investigation
This was an interim report as of August 31, 2022, and as the field investigation will continue to collect additional information on the fatal pediatric cases, the report may be revised and/or further information may be added, and we did not examine the causal relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and death. Therefore, the results should be carefully interpreted.We plan to continue to investigate fatal pediatric cases in cooperation with the local public health authorities and related academic associations.
Collaborating academic associations
Japan Pediatric Society, The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Japanese Association for Acute Medicine.
1. Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare. Visualizing the data: information on COVID-19 infections. https://covid19.mhlw.go.jp/en/ (accessed on August 19, 2022).
2. Committee on Immunization and Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Japan Pediatric Society. Interim Report on Clinical Course of Domestic-Onset Pediatric Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Cases Using a Database: 3rd Report. Changes in Clinical Symptoms and Severity of Pediatric COVID-19 Cases Associated with the Omicron Epidemic. http://www.jpeds.or.jp/uploads/files/20220328_tyukan_hokoku3.pdf (accessed on August 19, 2022) [in Japanese].
3. Medical Treatment Guidance Review Committee. COVID-19 Treatment guidelines, the 8th Edition. https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000967699.pdf (accessed on August 19, 2022) [in Japanese].
102nd Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (October 12, 2022) Material 1
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 223 (approximately 216 in Sapporo City), and the ratio to the previous week is 0.80. The use rate of beds is approximately 20%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 153, 130, and 162, respectively, and the ratios to the previous week were 0.67, 0.70 and 0.72, respectively.
The use rates of beds are slightly below 30% in Ibaraki, slightly below 20% in Tochigi, and slightly above 20% in Gunma.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 131, and the ratio to the previous week was 0.67. The use rate of beds is slightly over 10%, and the use rate of beds for severe cases is slightly below 10%.
In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 121, 116, and 128, respectively, and the ratios to the previous week were 0.69, 0.71, and 0.69, respectively.
The use rates of beds are slightly over 20% in Kanagawa, approximately 20% in Saitama and slightly over 10% in Chiba.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 113, and the ratio to the previous week is 0.61. The use rate of beds is slightly over 20%.
In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 150, 143, and 186, respectively, and the ratios to the previous week were 0.66, 0.78, and 0.78, respectively.
The use rates of beds are approximately 10% in Gifu, slightly over 10% in Shizuoka, and approximately 20% in Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 143, and the ratio to the previous week was 0.69. The use rate of beds is slightly over 10%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is below 10%.
In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 146, 110, 114, 134, and 167, respectively, and the ratios to the previous week were 0.64, 0.69, 0.73, 0.79, and 0.86, respectively.
The use rates of beds were slightly over 20% in Shiga, slightly over 10% in Hyogo, Kyoto and Nara, and approximately 10% in Wakayama.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 114, and the ratio to the previous week was 0.74. The use rate of beds is slightly over 10%.
In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 123, 115, 130, 131, 135, and 129, respectively, and the ratios to the previous week were 0.57, 0.67, 0.74, 0.73, 0.75, and 0.70, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly over 10% in Kumamoto, Oita, and Miyazaki, slightly below 20% in Nagasaki and Kagoshima, and approximately 10% in Saga.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 142, and the ratio to the previous week was 0.70. The use rate of beds was slightly over 10%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases was approximately 10%.
In Fukushima, Nagano, and Hiroshima, the ratios to the previous week were 0.91, 0.91 and 0.92, respectively. The use rate of beds was slightly below 10% in Fukui and Yamanashi.
Immunity acquired from vaccination and natural infection may decline over time. Although the vaccination rate is higher among people in their 60s and older than those in their 20s to 40s, the acquisition of immunity by infection is lower, and there is concern about the spread of infection among elderly people in the future.
The nighttime population is decreasing in many areas due to a continued decline in temperature and rainfall. This may have contributed to the recent decrease in the number of infected people. However, there is also concern that the nighttime population will increase toward the end of the year.
The BA.5 lineage has largely become mainstream and is replacing others. At present, there is no trend toward further replacement by other lineages.
Weather conditions will be favorable for ventilation for a while, but ventilation may be difficult on days with high temperatures or heavy rainfall.
Regarding measures under the Infectious Disease Control Law, appropriate medical care will be provided to elderly people and persons at risk of severe illness, and the period of medical treatment of patients will be reviewed.
The spread of infections this summer and measures to handle the current infection situation will be reviewed, and measures will be taken based on the assumption that infections may spread due to a simultaneous epidemic of seasonal influenza this fall.
Each citizen will be asked to take voluntary actions to prevent infection, while strengthening and prioritization of the health care system will be promoted to protect those at high risk of becoming seriously ill, such as elderly people, and to ensure regular medical care.
The national and local governments will remind the public of the need for routine infection control measures and take measures to support the public's efforts to prevent infection.
Prefectural governments must take measures to avoid overcrowding of beds and fever outpatient sections with the support of the national government.
Re-inspection and implementation of the following basic infection control measures are needed.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. In the death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak, it is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. In the current spread of infection, the rate of severe cases has continued to decrease and the ratio of elderly people among hospitalized patients has increased compared to the previous summer, following the previous outbreak. Among the deaths in this outbreak, mechanical ventilation/nasal high flow use rates and steroid prescription rates have decreased compared to the previous outbreak.
Among fatal cases in which endogenous death was identified in infected children, cases without underlying diseases were also found. Preliminary reports on the results of on-site investigations have stated that it is necessary to pay attention to neurological symptoms such as convulsions and disturbance of consciousness, and systemic symptoms other than respiratory symptoms such as vomiting and poor oral intake.
According to Japanese data, risk of infection remains until 10 days after onset, and infectivity is high until 7 days after onset. Even after waiting for 5 days, 1/3 of patients are still shedding infectious viruses. On Day 8 (after waiting 7 days), most patients (approximately 85%) had not shed infectious virus, and it was reported that even in those who shed the virus, the amount of virus decreased to one-sixth after 7 days compared to the initial stage.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing while the number of positive cases increases, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people, but currently the number of positive cases is decreasing. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the severity of BA.5 lineage shows both increased and unchanged data compared to the existing Omicron variants, and continued information collection is needed. In addition, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage has increased, and the previous dominant variant has largely been replaced with this lineage.
In addition, the BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, and the BA.4.6 lineage reported mainly in the US and UK, have been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
101st Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (October 5, 2022) Material 1
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 279 (approximately 266 in Sapporo City), with a ratio to the previous week of 0.82. The use rate of beds is approximately 20%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 228, 185, and 224, with ratios to the previous week of 0.88, 0.68 and 0.77, respectively.
The use rates of beds are approximately 40% in Ibaraki, and slightly more than 20% in Tochigi and Gunma.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 197, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.61. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 20%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is approximately 10%.
In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 176, 163, and 184, with ratios to the previous week of 0.57, 0.54, and 0.73, respectively.
The use rates of beds are slightly more than 20% in Kanagawa and Saitama, and approximately 20% in Chiba.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 186, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.58. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 20%.
In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 226, 183, and 239, with ratios to the previous week of 0.78, 0.67, and 0.75, respectively.
The use rates of beds are slightly more than 10% in Gifu and Shizuoka, and approximately 20% in Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 207, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.59. The use rate of beds is approximately 20%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is less than 10%.
In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 229, 158, 156, 170, and 195, with ratios to the previous week of 0.61, 0.57, 0.59, 0.51, and 0.64, respectively.
The use rates of beds are slightly more than 20% in Shiga, slightly less than 20% in Hyogo and Nara, and slightly more than 10% in Kyoto and Wakayama.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 156, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.61. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 20%.
In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 218, 171, 176, 180, 180, and 184, with ratios to the previous week of 0.72, 0.62, 0.48, 0.63, 0.47, and 0.64, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 20% in Miyazaki, approximately 20% in Kumamoto and Kagoshima, and slightly more than 10% in Saga, Nagasaki, and Oita.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 203, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.78. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 20%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is slightly more than 10%.
Miyagi, Toyama, Nagano, and Ehime had ratios to the previous week of 0.86, 0.87, 0.89, and 0.53, respectively. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 10% in Yamanashi.
Immunity acquired from vaccination and natural infection may decline over time. Although the vaccination rate is higher among people in their 60s and older than those in their 20s to 40s, the acquisition of immunity by infection is lower, and there is concern about the spread of infection among elderly people in the future.
Regarding the nighttime population, while the infection situation is improving in all regions, an increase is currently being seen in large cities such as Tokyo, Aichi, Osaka, and Fukuoka, as well as many regions such as Okinawa. There is also a concern that the nighttime population will further increase toward the end of the year.
The BA.5 lineage has largely become mainstream and is replacing others. At present, there is no trend toward further replacement by other lineages.
Weather conditions will be favorable for ventilation for a while, but ventilation may be difficult on days with high temperatures or heavy rainfall.
Re-inspection and implementation of the following basic infection control measures are needed.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. In the death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak, it is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. In the current spread of infection, the rate of severe cases has continued to decrease and the ratio of elderly people among hospitalized patients has increased compared to the previous summer, following the previous outbreak. Among the deaths in this outbreak, mechanical ventilation/nasal high flow use rates and steroid prescription rates have decreased compared to the previous outbreak.
Among fatal cases in which endogenous death was identified in infected children, cases without underlying diseases were also found. Preliminary reports on the results of on-site investigations have stated that it is necessary to pay attention to neurological symptoms such as convulsions and disturbance of consciousness, and systemic symptoms other than respiratory symptoms such as vomiting and poor oral intake.
According to Japanese data, risk of infection remains until 10 days after onset, and infectivity is high until 7 days after onset. Even after waiting for 5 days, 1/3 of patients are still shedding infectious viruses. On Day 8 (after waiting 7 days), most patients (approximately 85%) had not shed infectious virus, and it was reported that even in those who shed the virus, the amount of virus decreased to one-sixth after 7 days compared to the initial stage.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing while the number of positive cases increases, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people, but currently the number of positive cases is decreasing. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the severity of BA.5 lineage shows both increased and unchanged data compared to the existing Omicron variants, and continued information collection is needed. In addition, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage has increased, and the previous dominant variant has largely been replaced with this lineage.
In addition, the BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, and the BA.4.6 lineage reported mainly in the US and UK, have been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
100th Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (September 21, 2022) Material 1
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 344 (approximately 386 in Sapporo City), with a ratio to the previous week of 0.68. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 30%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 353, 296, and 354, with ratios to the previous week of 0.82, 0.70 and 0.77, respectively.
The use rates of beds are slightly more than 40% in Ibaraki, slightly more than 20% in Tochigi, and approximately 30% in Gunma.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 370, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.79. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 30%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is slightly more than 20%.
In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 407, 349, and 315, with ratios to the previous week of 0.87, 0.80, and 0.82, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 30% in Saitama, about 30% in Chiba and about 40% in Kanagawa.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 408, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.68. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 50%.
In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 360, 368, and 515, with ratios to the previous week of 0.58, 0.67, and 0.94, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 30% in Gifu, approximately 30% in Shizuoka, and slightly less than 40% in Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 390, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.68. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 30%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is less than 10%.
In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 452, 409, 373, 417, and 364, with ratios to the previous week of 0.70, 0.72, 0.67, 0.72, and 0.66, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 40% in Shiga, slightly more than 30% in Hyogo and Wakayama, slightly less than 30% in Kyoto, and slightly more than 20% in Nara.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 331, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.62. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 30%.
In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 342, 298, 369, 329, 451, and 498, with ratios to the previous week of 0.56, 0.49, 0.61, 0.57, 0.59, and 0.62, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 40% in Oita, Kumamoto, and Nagasaki, slightly more than 30% in Kagoshima, and slightly more than 20% in Miyazaki and Saga.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 277, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.60. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 30%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is about 20%.
In Hiroshima and Kagawa, the ratios to the previous week were 0.80 and 0.81, respectively. The use rates of beds are about 40% in Kagawa, slightly less than 20% in Kochi, and slightly more than 10% in Yamanashi.
It has become clear that as a certain period elapses after the third vaccination, the infection prevention effect is attenuated compared to the aggravation prevention effect. On the other hand, those in their 60s and older are less likely to acquire immunity by infection than those in their 20s to 40s. It is also pointed out that immunity is attenuated, and there is concern about the spread of infection among elderly people in the future.
Regarding the nighttime population, the tendency has been flat overall, despite increases in relatively many regions, and while the infection situation is improving in all regions, movements are uneven, with effects of the weather. Due to the effects of bad weather such as rain and typhoons, it is necessary to pay attention to the increase in contact opportunities with the three Cs indoors rather than outdoors.
The BA.5 lineage has largely become mainstream and is replacing others. At present, there is no trend toward further replacement by other lineages.
In the future, ventilation may be difficult on days with high temperatures or heavy rainfall.
Re-inspection and implementation of the following basic infection control measures are needed.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. In the death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak, it is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. In the current spread of infection, the rate of severe cases has continued to decrease and the ratio of elderly people among hospitalized patients has increased compared to the previous summer, following the previous outbreak. Among the deaths in this outbreak, mechanical ventilation/nasal high flow use rates and steroid prescription rates have decreased compared to the previous outbreak.
Among fatal cases in which endogenous death was identified in infected children, cases without underlying diseases were also found. Preliminary reports on the results of on-site investigations have stated that it is necessary to pay attention to neurological symptoms such as convulsions and disturbance of consciousness, and systemic symptoms other than respiratory symptoms such as vomiting and poor oral intake.
According to Japanese data, risk of infection remains until 10 days after onset, and infectivity is high until 7 days after onset. Even after waiting for 5 days, 1/3 of patients are still shedding infectious viruses. On Day 8 (after waiting 7 days), most patients (approximately 85%) had not shed infectious virus, and it was reported that even in those who shed the virus, the amount of virus decreased to one-sixth after 7 days compared to the initial stage.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing while the number of positive cases increases, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people, but currently the number of positive cases is decreasing. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the severity of BA.5 lineage shows both increased and unchanged data compared to the existing Omicron variants, and continued information collection is needed. In addition, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage has increased, and the previous dominant variant has largely been replaced with this lineage.
In addition, the BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, and the BA.4.6 lineage reported mainly in the US and UK, have been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
99th Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (September 14, 2022) Material 1
Effective reproduction number: On a national basis, the most recent number is 0.89 (as of August 28), while the figure stands at 0.91 in the Tokyo metropolitan area and 0.89 in the Kansai area.
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 508 (approximately 520 in Sapporo City), with a ratio to the previous week of 0.79. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 30%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 430, 422, and 459, with ratios to the previous week of 0.77, 0.81 and 0.80, respectively. In Tochigi and Gunma, they were mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 40% in Ibaraki, and slightly more than 30% in Tochigi and Gunma.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 468, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.81. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 30%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is slightly more than 20%. In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 466, 434, and 384, with ratios to the previous week of 0.84, 0.80, and 0.87, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 40% in Saitama and Kanagawa and slightly more than 30% in Chiba.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 600, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.75. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 70%. In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 622, 548, and 548, with ratios to the previous week of 0.78, 0.83, and 0.67, respectively. The use rates of beds are approximately 40% in Shizuoka and slightly more than 40% in Gifu and Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 573, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.76. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 40%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is about 10%. In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 647, 569, 558, 579, and 548, with ratios to the previous week of 0.83, 0.74, 0.74, 0.83, and 0.78, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 50% in Shiga, slightly more than 40% in Hyogo, Kyoto and Wakayama, and slightly more than 20% in Nara.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 536, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.69. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 40%. In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 615, 609, 602, 573, 768, and 807, with ratios to the previous week of 0.75, 0.63, 0.74, 0.73, 0.79, and 0.78, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 50% in Oita, slightly more than 40% in Nagasaki and Kagoshima, slightly less than 40% in Miyazaki, and slightly more than 30% in Saga and Kumamoto.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 462, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.56. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 40%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is slightly more than 30%.
Fukushima, Toyama, Fukui, and Shimane had ratios to the previous week of 0.80, 0.81, 0.85, and 0.81, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 40% in Aomori, Akita, Yamagata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Nagano, Okayama, Tokushima, and Kagawa.
It has become clear that as a certain period elapses after the third vaccination, the infection prevention effect is attenuated compared to the aggravation prevention effect. On the other hand, those in their 60s and older are less likely to acquire immunity by infection than those in their 20s to 40s. It is also pointed out that immunity is attenuated, and there is concern about the spread of infection among elderly people in the future.
Regarding the nighttime population, the tendency has been flat overall, despite increases in many regions, and while the infection situation is improving in all regions, movements are uneven.
After the prevalence of the BA.2 lineage, it has almost been replaced by the BA.5 lineage, which has become mainstream.
High temperatures are expected to continue in September, and ventilation may be difficult because air conditioning is prioritized.
Prefectural governments must take measures to avoid overcrowding of beds and fever outpatient sections with the support of the national government.
Based on the recommendations of the 17th meeting of the Novel Coronavirus Subcommittee, it is necessary to publicize and recommend effective ventilation methods to prevent insufficient ventilation due to the use of air conditioners (how to create airflow considering aerosols, installation of partitions that do not block airflow, etc.).
Re-inspection and implementation of the following basic infection control measures are needed.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. In the death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak, it is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. In the current spread of infection, the rate of severe cases has continued to decrease and the ratio of elderly people among hospitalized patients has increased compared to the previous summer, following the previous outbreak. Among the deaths in this outbreak, mechanical ventilation/nasal high flow use rates and steroid prescription rates have decreased compared to the previous outbreak.
According to Japanese data, risk of infection remains until 10 days after onset, and infectivity is high until 7 days after onset. Even after waiting for 5 days, 1/3 of patients are still shedding infectious viruses. On Day 8 (after waiting 7 days), most patients (approximately 85%) had not shed infectious virus, and it was reported that even in those who shed the virus, the amount of virus decreased to one-sixth after 7 days compared to the initial stage.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing while the number of positive cases increases, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people, but currently the number of positive cases is decreasing. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the severity of BA.5 lineage shows both increased and unchanged data compared to the existing Omicron variants, and continued information collection is needed. In addition, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. Although it is unknown whether it is due to the traits of the BA.5 lineage, it should be noted that the numbers of inpatient cases and severe cases are increasing in countries where the number of infected people is increasing mainly in the BA.5 lineage. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage has increased, and the previous dominant variant has largely been replaced with this lineage.
In addition, the BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, and the BA.4.6 lineage reported mainly in the US and UK, have been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
98th Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (September 7, 2022) Material 1
Effective reproduction number: On a national basis, the most recent number is 0.93 (as of August 21), while the figure stands at 0.92 both in the Tokyo metropolitan and Kansai areas.
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 644 (approximately 623 in Sapporo City), with a ratio to the previous week of 0.88. Infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 30%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 559, 524, and 571, with ratios to the previous week of 0.68, 0.79, and 0.75, respectively. In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, new cases of infection were mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 50% in Ibaraki and slightly more than 40% in Tochigi and Gunma
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 579, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.66. Infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 40%, and the use rate of beds for severe cases is slightly less than 30%. In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 557, 542, and 441, with ratios to the previous week of 0.73, 0.75, and 0.71, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 50% in Saitama and Kanagawa and slightly less than 50% in Chiba.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 800, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.71. Infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 80%. In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 795, 659, and 824, with ratios to the previous week of 0.73, 0.68, and 0.70, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 50% in Gifu, approximately 50% in Shizuoka, and slightly more than 50% in Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 757, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.66. Infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 50%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is approximately 10%. In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were about 779, 774, 758, 700, and 701, with ratios to the previous week of 0.68, 0.72, 0.68, 0.62, 0.63, respectively. The use rates of beds are approximately 70% in Shiga, slightly more than 50% in Kyoto and Hyogo, approximately 50% in Wakayama, and approximately 40% in Nara.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 772, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.62. Infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 60%. In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 820, 966, 816, 784, 973, and 1,036, with ratios to the previous week of 0.61, 0.61, 0.66, 0.68, 0.64, and 0.66, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 40% in Saga, approximately 40% in Miyazaki, and slightly more than 50% in Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, and Kagoshima.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 820, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.62. Infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 60%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is approximately 50%.
The ratios to the previous week in Iwate, Yamagata, and Fukushima were 0.80, 0.88, and 0.83, respectively. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 60% in Aomori, approximately 60% in Tokushima, slightly less than 60% in Kagawa, and slightly more than 50% in Yamagata, Toyama, Nagano, Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi.
It has become clear that as a certain period elapses after the third vaccination, the infection prevention effect is attenuated compared to the aggravation prevention effect. On the other hand, those in their 60s and older are less likely to acquire immunity by infection than those in their 20s to 40s. It is also pointed out that immunity is attenuated, and there is concern that the infection will spread among elderly people in the future.
The nighttime population curve generally remains flat, and has lately decreased to a large extent, especially in Okinawa. These trends may be due to adverse weather conditions.
After the prevalence of the BA.2 lineage, it has almost been replaced by the BA.5 lineage, which has become mainstream.
Since hot weather is expected to continue for some time in September, the preference for using air conditioners may lead to poor ventilation.
Re-inspection and implementation of the following basic infection control measures are needed.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. The death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak had a higher proportion of people aged 80 and over. It is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. Attention should also be paid to worsening of the condition of elderly infected people and infected people with an underlying disease, and to the onset of heart failure and aspiration pneumonia.
Viral shedding in individuals infected with the Omicron variant decreases over time. In patients with symptoms, it has been shown that the possibility of viral shedding is low from 10 days after the date of onset, and that no shedding is observed after 8 days from the date of diagnosis in those without symptoms.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing while the number of positive cases is increasing, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people, but currently the number of positive cases is decreasing. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the severity of BA.5 lineage shows both increased and unchanged data compared to the existing Omicron variants, and continued information collection is needed. In addition, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. Although it is unknown whether it is due to the traits of the BA.5 lineage, it should be noted that the numbers of inpatient cases and severe cases are increasing in countries where the number of infected people is increasing mainly in the BA.5 lineage. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage is increasing, and the previous dominant variant was replaced by this lineage.
The BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, and the BA.4.6 lineage, which has been reported mainly in the United States and the United Kingdom, have been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
97th Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (August 31, 2022) Material 1
Effective reproduction number: The latest number (as of August 14) is 1.03 nationwide, 0.99 in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and 1.00 in the Kansai area.
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 733 (approximately 722 in Sapporo City), with a ratio to the previous week of 0.79. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 40%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 825, 665, and 762, with ratios to the previous week of 0.88, 0.75, and 0.85, respectively. In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, they were mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 60% in Ibaraki, slightly less than 50% in Tochigi, and slightly more than 50% in Gunma.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 883, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.72. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 50%, while the use rate of beds for severe patients is slightly more than 30%. In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 758, 722, and 617, with ratios to the previous week of 0.80, 0.95, and 0.82, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 60% in Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 1,128, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.76. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 70%. In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 1,092, 962, and 1,169, with ratios to the previous week of 0.78, 0.83, and 0.81, respectively. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 60% in Gifu and Shizuoka, and slightly more than 50% in Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 1,151, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.72. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 60%, while the use rate of beds for severe patients is slightly more than 10%. In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 1,144, 1,078, 1,117, 1,126, and 1,108, with ratios to the previous week of 0.90, 0.87, 0.81, 0.82, and 0.76, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 60% in Shiga, Hyogo, and Wakayama, slightly less than 60% in Kyoto, and slightly more than 50% in Nara.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 1,250, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.73. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 70%. In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 1,354, 1,578, 1,235, 1,160, 1,516, and 1,560, with ratios to the previous week of 0.69, 0.84, 0.73, 0.75, 0.79, and 0.80, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 50% in Saga, slightly more than 60% in Nagasaki, Kumamoto, and Kagoshima, slightly more than 50% in Oita, and slightly more than 40% in Miyazaki.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 1,329, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.76. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 60%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is slightly more than 30%.
Aomori, Ishikawa, Tokushima, and Kochi had ratios to the previous week of 1.07, 0.91, 1.01, and 0.91, respectively. The use rates of beds are approximately more than 70% in Aomori, approximately 60% in Nagano, Hiroshima, and Yamaguchi, slightly less than 70% in Tokushima, and slightly more than 60% in Kagawa and Ehime.
It has become clear that as a certain period elapses after the third vaccination, the infection prevention effect is attenuated compared to the aggravation prevention effect. On the other hand, those in their 60s and older are less likely to acquire immunity by infection than those in their 20s to 40s. It is also pointed out that immunity is attenuated, and there is concern that the infection will spread among elderly people in the future.
The nighttime population has remained unchanged nationwide, while it has started to increase in large cities such as Tokyo, Aichi, and Osaka.
After the prevalence of the BA.2 lineage, it has almost been replaced by the BA.5 lineage, which has become mainstream.
Since hot weather is expected to continue for some time in September, the preference for using air conditioners may lead to poor ventilation.
Re-inspection and implementation of the following basic infection control measures are needed.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. The death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak had a higher proportion of people aged 80 and over. It is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. Attention should also be paid to worsening of the condition of elderly infected people and infected people with an underlying disease, and to the onset of heart failure and aspiration pneumonia.
Viral shedding in individuals infected with the Omicron variant decreases over time. In patients with symptoms, it has been shown that the possibility of viral shedding is low from 10 days after the date of onset, and that no shedding is observed after 8 days from the date of diagnosis in those without symptoms.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing while the number of positive cases increases, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people, but recently the number of positive cases has decreased. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the severity of BA.5 lineage shows both increased and unchanged data compared to the existing Omicron variants, and continued information collection is needed. In addition, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. Although it is unknown whether it is due to the traits of the BA.5 lineage, it should be noted that the numbers of inpatient cases and severe cases are increasing in countries where the number of infected people is increasing mainly in the BA.5 lineage. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage is increasing, and the previous dominant variant was replaced with this lineage.
In addition, the BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, has been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
同 感染症疫学センター
図.新型コロナウイルス感染後の20歳未満の死亡例の報告数(n=34*; 発症日または入院日が2022年1月1日(疫学週2021年52週)~8月31日(疫学週2022年35週))(2022年8月31日時点)**
表. 新型コロナウイルス感染後の20歳未満の死亡例の特性
(n=29 ; 発症日または入院日が2022年1月1日から8月31日、明らかな内因性死亡に限る)(2022年8月31日時点)
* 発症から死亡までの日数は発症日に関する情報が得られた26例(基礎疾患あり12例、基礎疾患なし14例)
1. 厚生労働省 データからわかる-新型コロナウイルス感染症情報
https://covid19.mhlw.go.jp/ (閲覧日:2022年8月19日)
2. 小児科学会 予防接種・感染症対策委員会「データベースを用いた国内発症小児 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 症例の臨床経過に関する検討」の中間報告:第3報、2022年3月28日
3. 新型コロナウイルス感染症診療の手引き・第8.0版
96th Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (August 24, 2022) Material 1
Effective reproduction number: On a national basis, the most recent number is 0.96 (as of August 7), while the figure stands at 0.92 in the Tokyo metropolitan area and 0.94 in the Kansai area.
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 933 (approximately 957 in Sapporo City), with a ratio to the previous week of 1.07. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 40%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 940, 889, and 900, with ratios to the previous week of 1.31, 1.29 and 1.16, respectively. In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, they were mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 60% in Ibaraki, slightly less than 70% in Tochigi, and slightly less than 60% in Gunma.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 1,221, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.96. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 50%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is about 60%. In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 946, 764, and 756, with ratios to the previous week of 1.04, 1.06, and 0.94, respectively. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 60% in Saitama and Chiba and slightly more than 70% in Kanagawa.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 1,476, with a ratio to the previous week of 1.34. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 70%. In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 1,398, 1,165, and 1,449, with ratios to the previous week of 1.31, 1.27, and 1.51, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 60% in Gifu, approximately 70% in Shizuoka, and slightly more than 50% in Mie.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 1,601, with a ratio to the previous week of 1.22. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 70%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is approximately 50%. In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 1,267, 1,240, 1,378, 1,378, and 1,458, with ratios to the previous week of 1.12, 1.04, 1.13, 1.26, and 1.20, respectively. The use rates of beds are approximately 70% in Shiga, and slightly more than 60% in Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 1,714, with a ratio to the previous week of 1.24. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 70%. In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 1,956, 1,890, 1,697, 1,536, 1,908, and 1,947, with ratios to the previous week of 1.45, 1.33, 1.38, 1.26, 1.20, and 1.27, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 50% in Saga, Nagasaki, and Miyazaki, slightly more than 60% in Kumamoto and Kagoshima, and slightly less than 60% in Oita.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 1,758, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.99. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 70%, while the use rate of beds for severe patients is slightly more than 30%.
The ratios to the previous week in Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima, Toyama, Shimane, Tokushima, Ehime, and Kochi are 1.61, 1.46, 1.45, 1.56, 1.53, 1.79, 1.43, and 1.41, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 80% in Aomori, slightly more than 60% in Niigata and Okayama, slightly less than 70% in Nagano and Ehime, and slightly more than 70% in Hiroshima.
It has become clear that as a certain period elapses after the third vaccination, the infection prevention effect is attenuated compared to the aggravation prevention effect. On the other hand, those in their 60s or older are less likely to acquire immunity by infection than those in their 20s to 40s. It is also pointed out that immunity is attenuated, and there is concern that the infection will spread further among elderly people in the future.
The nighttime population curve generally remains flat, and in many areas such as Tokyo and Osaka, it tends to decrease.
After the prevalence of the BA.2 lineage, it has almost been replaced by the BA.5 lineage, which has become mainstream. The BA.5 lineage is thought to cause an increase the number of infected persons more easily, and there is concern about immune escape, which may be a factor to increase the number of infected persons.
Although it was late August, the weather was still hot, and ventilation may be difficult because air conditioning is prioritized.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. The death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak had a higher proportion of people aged 80 and over. It is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. Attention should also be paid to worsening of the condition of elderly infected people and infected people with an underlying disease, and to the onset of heart failure and aspiration pneumonia.
Viral shedding in individuals infected with the Omicron variant decreases over time. In patients with symptoms, it has been shown that the possibility of viral shedding is low from 10 days after the date of onset, and that no shedding is observed after 8 days from the date of diagnosis in those without symptoms.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing while the number of positive cases increases, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people, but recently the number of positive cases has decreased. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the severity of BA.5 lineage shows both increased and unchanged data compared to the existing Omicron variants, and continued information collection is needed. In addition, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. Although it is unknown whether it is due to the traits of the BA.5 lineage, it should be noted that the numbers of inpatient cases and severe cases are increasing in countries where the number of infected people is increasing mainly in the BA.5 lineage. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage is increasing, and the previous dominant variant was replaced with this lineage.
In addition, the BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, has been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)
95th Meeting of the COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (August 18, 2022) Material 1
Effective reproduction number: On a national basis, the most recent number is 1.00 (as of July 31), while the figure stands at 0.99 both in the Tokyo metropolitan and Kansai areas.
* The value for new cases of infection is the number of persons per 100,000 among the total number for the latest week, based on the reporting dates.
The number of new cases of infection was approximately 856 (approximately 909 in Sapporo City), with a ratio to the previous week of 0.97. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 40%.
In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 708, 656, and 755, with ratios to the previous week of 0.75, 0.73, and 0.84, respectively. In Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma, they were mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 60% in Ibaraki, slightly more than 60% in Tochigi, and slightly more than 50% in Gunma, respectively.
The number of new cases of infection in Tokyo was approximately 1,240, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.82. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 60%, and the use rate of beds for severe patients is slightly more than 60%. In Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 864, 698, and 772, with ratios to the previous week of 0.77, 0.69, and 0.77, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly less than 70% in Saitama, slightly more than 60% in Chiba, and slightly more than 70% in Kanagawa, respectively.
The number of new cases of infection in Aichi was approximately 1,102, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.82. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 70%. In Gifu, Shizuoka, and Mie, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 1,095, 917, and 949, with ratios to the previous week of 0.95, 0.83, and 0.85, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 50% in Gifu, slightly less than 60% in Mie, and slightly more than 70% in Shizuoka.
The number of new cases of infection in Osaka was approximately 1,305, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.82. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly more than 60%, while the use rate of beds for severe cases is roughly 50%. In Shiga, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama, the numbers of new cases of infection were roughly 1,096, 1,122, 1,179, 1,088, and 1,198, with ratios to the previous week of 0.89, 0.83, 0.86, 0.94, and 0.97, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 80% in Shiga, approximately 70% in Wakayama, approximately 60% in Kyoto, and slightly more than 60% in Hyogo and Nara, respectively.
The number of new cases of infection in Fukuoka was approximately 1,350, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.86. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is slightly less than 80%. In Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, and Kagoshima, the numbers of new cases of infection were approximately 1,470, 1,418, 1,273, 1,273, 1,581, and 1,578, with ratios to the previous week of 1.07, 1.04, 0.85, 1.06, 1.01, and 1.07, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 50% in Saga, Oita, and Miyazaki, slightly less than 60% in Nagasaki, approximately 70% in Kumamoto, and slightly more than 60% in Kagoshima.
The number of new cases of infection was the highest nationwide at approximately 1,753, with a ratio to the previous week of 0.80. The infected individuals are mainly in their 30s or younger. The use rate of beds is approximately 90%, while the use rate of beds for severe patients is slightly more than 30%.
The ratio to the previous week in Yamagata, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, and Kochi is 1.17, 1.15, 1.19, 1.15, 1.12, and 1.16, respectively. The use rates of beds are slightly more than 60% in Aomori, Okayama, and Hiroshima, approximately 60% in Niigata and Nagano, and approximately 70% in Ishikawa
It has become clear that as a certain period elapses after the third vaccination, the infection prevention effect is attenuated compared to the aggravation prevention effect. In addition, the immunity acquired from previous infections is expected to similarly decline in the future.
The nighttime population curve generally remains flat. In large cities including the Tokyo metropolitan area and Okinawa, it has decreased or remained flat. There are also some regions where a rapid increase was seen in association with the holding of large festivals, etc.
After the prevalence of the BA.2 lineage, it has almost been replaced by the BA.5 lineage, which has become mainstream. The BA.5 lineage is thought to cause an increase the number of infected persons more easily, and there is concern about immune escape, which may be a factor to increase the number of infected persons.
It is a time when indoor activities increase due to rising temperatures, but ventilation may be difficult because air conditioning is prioritized.
Based on the recommendations of the 17th meeting of the Novel Coronavirus Subcommittee, the national and local governments are required to secure a system that enables testing, and further utilize testing.
It has been confirmed that compared to the Delta variant, the generation time has shortened to approximately 2 days (approximately 5 days for Delta). The doubling time and incubation period have also shortened, the risk of re-infection and secondary infection after infection has increased, and the speed of infection spread is very fast. According to the reported data, pre-symptomatic transmission has probably occurred to some extent as with the previous strains.
In Japan, many cases of infection have occurred through the same opportunities as before (spending time indoors in locations with inadequate ventilation, eating and drinking, etc.), and infection is considered to have occurred via the same routes as before (droplets adhering to mucosa, aerosol inhalation, contact infection, etc.).
It has been suggested that infection with the Omicron variant presents a lower risk of hospitalization or aggravation than the Delta variant. However, analyses to date show that the fatality due to infection with the Omicron variant is higher than that due to seasonal influenza. It is also suggested that the incidence of pneumonia is higher than that of seasonal influenza, but given the limited data, it needs to be investigated by various analyses. The death toll from the previous outbreak compared to last summer's outbreak had a higher proportion of people aged 80 and over. It is reported that there are many cases in which the new coronavirus infection is not the direct cause of death, for example, people who have been in a facility for the elderly before the infection are infected and die due to the worsening of the underlying disease. Attention should also be paid to worsening of the condition of elderly infected people and infected people with an underlying disease, and to the onset of heart failure and aspiration pneumonia.
Viral shedding in individuals infected with the Omicron variant decreases over time. In patients with symptoms, it has been shown that the possibility of viral shedding is low from 10 days after the date of onset, and that no shedding is observed after 8 days from the date of diagnosis in those without symptoms.
For infection with the Omicron variant, the preventive effects of a first vaccination against infection and disease onset are markedly reduced. Its preventive effect on hospitalization is reported to be maintained at a certain level for the first 6 months, but subsequently decreases to 50% or less. On the other hand, it has been reported overseas that a third vaccination restores the infection-preventing effect, onset-preventing effect, and hospitalization-preventing effect against infection by the Omicron variant, and information on how these vaccine effects are attenuated after a third vaccination has become available. Regarding the fourth vaccination, it has been reported that while the preventive effect against aggravation was not reduced for 6 weeks, the preventive effect against infection lasted only for a short time.
Worldwide, the proportion of the BA.5 lineage is increasing, suggesting that this lineage is superior to the BA.2 lineage in terms of causing an increase in the number of infected people. The number of positive tests is on the rise globally, as replacement by the BA.5 lineage proceeds. The BA.5 lineage has shown a tendency to escape existing immunity compared with the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, but no clear findings on the infectivity have been shown. The effective reproduction number of the BA.5 lineage calculated based on the data of Tokyo was about 1.27 times that of BA.2. It was also estimated that it was about 1.3 times higher in samples collected from private testing institutions nationwide.
According to the WHO report, the findings accumulated from multiple countries indicate that there is no increase in the severity of the BA.5 lineage compared to existing Omicron variants. On the other hand, the pathogenicity of the BA.5 lineage is reportedly higher than that of the BA.1 and BA.2 lineages, based on Japanese laboratory data, but it has not been confirmed clinically at this time. Although it is unknown whether it is due to the traits of the BA.5 lineage, it should be noted that the numbers of inpatient cases and severe cases are increasing in countries where the number of infected people is increasing mainly in the BA.5 lineage. According to genomic surveillance in Japan, the detection rate of the BA.5 lineage is increasing, and the previous dominant variant was replaced with this lineage.
In addition, the BA.2.75 lineage, which has been reported mainly in India since June, has been detected in Japan. However, no clear findings have been obtained overseas regarding its infectivity or severity, compared with other lineages. It is necessary to continue to collect and analyze the situation and findings in other countries regarding these characteristics of the virus, and to continue monitoring by genome surveillance.
Figures (Number of new infections reported etc.) (PDF)