


  1. Arita M, Dobrikov G, Purstinger G Galabov AS. Allosteric Regulation of Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase III Beta by an Antipicornavirus Compound MDL-860. ACS infectious diseases. 3: 585-594, 2017.
  2. Arita M. Poliovirus Studies during the Endgame of the Polio Eradication Program. Jpn J Infect Dis. 70: 1-6, 2017.
  3. Chong PF, Kira R, Mori H, Okumura A, Torisu H, Yasumoto S, Shimizu H, Fujimoto T, Hanaoka N, Kusunoki S, Takahashi T, Oishi K, Tanaka-Taya K investigators AFMcs. Clinical Features of Acute Flaccid Myelitis Temporally Associated with an Enterovirus D68 Outbreak: Results of a Nationwide Survey of Acute Flaccid Paralysis in Japan, August-December 2015. Clin Infect Dis. 2017.
  4. Doan YH, Suzuki Y, Fujii Y, Haga K, Fujimoto A, Takai-Todaka R, Someya Y, Nayak MK, Mukherjee A, Imamura D, Shinoda S, Chawla-Sarkar M, Katayama K. Complex reassortment events of unusual G9P[4] rotavirus strains in India between 2011 and 2013. Infect Genet Evol. 54: 417-428, 2017.
  5. Fukuhara T, Tamura T, Ono C, Shiokawa M, Mori H, Uemura K, Yamamoto S, Kurihara T, Okamoto T, Suzuki R, Yoshii K, Kurosu T, Igarashi M, Aoki H, Sakoda Y, Matsuura Y. Host-derived apolipoproteins play comparable roles with viral secretory proteins Erns and NS1 in the infectious particle formation of Flaviviridae. PLOS Pathog. e1006475. 2017.
  6. Fukushima S, Kiyohara T, Ishii K, Nakano T, Hamada A. Immunogenicity of aluminum-adsorbed hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix®) administered as a third dose after primary doses of Japanese aluminum-free hepatitis A vaccine (Aimmugen®) for Japanese travelers to endemic countries. Vaccine. 35: 6412-6415, 2017.
  7. Ito M, SunS, Fukuhara T, Suzuki R, Tamai M, Yamauchi T, Nakashima K, Tagawa Y, Okazaki S, Matsuura Y, Wakita T, Suzuki T. Development of hepatoma-derived, bidirectional oval-like cells as a model to study host interactions with hepatitis C virus during differentiation. Oncotarget. 33:53899-53915. 2017.
  8. Iwamoto M, Cai D, Sugiyama M, Suzuki R, Aizaki H, Ryo A, Ohtani N, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M, Wakita T, Guo H, Watashi K. Functional association of cellular microtubules with viral capsid assembly supports efficient hepatitis B virus replication. Sci Rep. 7: 10620, 2017.
  9. Kai Y, Hikita H, Morishita N, Murai K, Nakabori T, Iio S, Hagiwara H, Imai Y, Tamura S, Tsutsui S, Naito M, Nishiuchi M, Kondo Y, Kato T, Suemizu H, Yamada R, Oze T, Yakushijin T, Hiramatsu N, Sakamori R, Tatsumi T, Takehara T. Baseline quasispecies selection and novel mutations contribute to emerging resistance-associated substitutions in hepatitis C virus after direct-acting antiviral treatment. Sci Rep. 7: 41660. 2017.
  10. Kato M, Hamada-Tsutsumi S, Okuse C, Sakai A, Matsumoto N, Sato M, Sato T, Arito M, Omoteyama K, Suematsu N, Okamoto K, Kato T, Itoh F, Sumazaki R, Tanaka Y, Yotsuyanagi H, Kato T, Kurokawa-Suzuki M. Effects of vaccine-acquired polyclonal anti-HBs antibodies on the prevention of HBV infection of non-vaccine genotypes. J Gastroenterol. 2017.
  11. Kinoshita W, Ogura N, Watashi K, Wakita T. Host factor PRPF31 is involved in cccDNA production in HBV-replicating cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 482: 638-644,2017.
  12. Koizumi Y, Ohashi H, Nakajima S, Tanaka Y, Wakita T, Perelson AS, Iwami S, Watashi K. Quantifying antiviral activity optimizes drug combinations against hepatitis C virus infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: 1922-1927, 2017.
  13. Kondo K, Tsugawa T, Ono M, Ohara T, Fujibayashi S, Tahara Y, Kubo N, Nakata S, Higashidate Y, Fujii Y, Katayama K, Yoto Y, Tsutsumi H. Clinical and Molecular Characterization of the 2014 G8P[8] Rotavirus Outbreak in Japan. Emerg Infect Dis. 23(6):968-972, 2017.
  14. Li TC, Yoshizaki S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Johne R, Wakita T. No evidence of rat hepatitis E virus excretion into urine of rats. Jpn J Infect Dis. 70: 305-307, 2017.
  15. Li TC, Yoshizaki S, Zhou X, Sentsui H, Shirato K, Matsuyama S, Melaku SK, Bazartseren B, Takeda N, Wakita T. Serological evidence of hepatitis E virus infection in dromedary camels in Ethiopia. J Virol Methods. 246: 34-37, 2017.
  16. Li TC, Yoshizaki S, Kataoka M, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Doan Y.H, Haga K, Ishii K, Takeda N, Wakita T. Genetic and physicochemical analyses of a novel ferret hepatitis E virus, and clinical signs of infection after birth. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 25; 153-159, 2017.
  17. Loo TM, Kamachi F, Watanabe Y, Yoshimoto S, Kanda H, Arai Y, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Iwama A, Koga T, Sugimoto Y, Ozawa T, Nakamura M, Kumagai M, Watashi K, Taketo MM, Aoki T, Narumiya S, Oshima M, Arita M, Hara E, Ohtani N. Gut microbiota promotes obesity-associated liver cancer through PGE2-mediated suppression of antitumor immunity. Cancer Discov. 7: 522-538, 2017.
  18. Murayama A, Sugiyama N, Suzuki R, Moriyama M, Nakamura N, Mochizuki H, Wakita T, Kato T. Amino Acid Mutations in the NS4A Region of Hepatitis C Virus Contribute to Viral Replication and Infectious Virus Production. J Virol. 91. doi:10.1128/JVI. 02124-16, 2017.
  19. Noguchi A, Ito H, Miura S, Fujii Y, Katayama K, Nakagomi T, Nakagomi O, Takahashi T. Regional variations in the incidence of rotavirus hospitalizations between children living in defined regions of Akita and Kyoto prefectures, Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis, 70(2):167-170. 2017.
  20. Ohashi H, Koizumi Y, Fukano K, Wakita T, Perelson AS, Iwami S, Watashi K. Reply to Padmanabhan and Dixit: Hepatitis C virus entry inhibitors for optimally boosting direct-acting antiviral-based treatments. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 114: E4527-E4529, 2017.
  21. Ohba M, Oka T, Ando T, Arahata S, Ikegaya A, Takagi H, Ogo N, Zhu C, Owada K, Kawamori F, Wang Q, Saif LJ, Asai A. Antiviral effect of theaflavins against caliciviruses. The Journal of Antibiotics. 70, 443–447, 2017.
  22. Oka T, Doan YH, Haga K, Mori K, Ogawa T, Yamazaki A. Genetic characterization of rare genotype GII.5 sapovirus strain detected from food-borne suspected gastroenteritis outbreak among adults in Japan, 2010. Jpn J Infect Dis, 70: 223-224, 2017.
  23. Pham NTK, Thongprachum A, Baba T, Okitsu S, Trinh QD, Komine-Aizawa S, Shimizu H, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. A 3-month-old child of acute gastroenteritis with enterovirus D68 detected from stool specimen. Clin. Lab. 63: 1269-1272, 2017.
  24. Ruchusatsawat K, Wongpiyabovorn J, Kawidam C, Thiemsing L, Sangkitporn S, Yoshizaki S, Tatsumi M, Takeda N, Ishii K. An Outbreak of Acute Hepatitis Caused by Genotype IB Hepatitis A Viruses Contaminating the Water Supply in Thailand. Intervirology. 59: 197-203, 2017.
  25. Sakurai F, Mitani S, Yamamoto T, Takayama K, Tachibana M, Watashi K, Wakita T, Iijima S, Tanaka Y, Mizuguchi H. Human induced-pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells as an in vitro model of human hepatitis B virus infection. Sci Rep. 7: 45698, 2017.
  26. Sato H, Yokoyama M, Nakamura H, Oka T, Katayama K, Takeda N, Noda M, Tanaka T, Motomura K. Evolutionary Constraints on the Norovirus Pandemic Variant GII.4_2006b over the Five-Year Persistence in Japan. Front Microbiol. 13;8:410, 2017.
  27. Scott T, Moyo B, Nicholson S, Maepa MB, Watashi K, Ely A, Weinberg MS, Arbuthnot P. ssAAVs containing cassettes encoding SaCas9 and guides targeting hepatitis B virus inactivate replication of the virus in cultured cells. Sci Rep. 7: 7401, 2017.
  28. Shimura S, Watashi K, Fukano K, Peel M, Sluder A, Kawai F, Iwamoto M, Tsukuda S, Takeuchi JS, Miyake T, Sugiyama M, Ogasawara Y, Park SY, Tanaka Y, Kusuhara H, Mizokami M, Sureau C, Wakita T. Cyclosporin derivatives inhibit hepatitis B virus entry without interfering the NTCP transporter. J Hepatol. 66: 685-692, 2017.
  29. Sugiyama R, Murayama A, Nitta S, Yamada N, Tasaka-Fujita M, Masaki T, Aly HH, Siina M, Ryo A, Ishii K, Wakita T, Kato T. Interferon Sensitivity-Determining Region of Hepatitis C Virus Influences Virus Production and Interferon Signaling. Oncotarget , 2017.
  30. Sun S, Nakashima K, Ito M, Li Y, Chida T, Takahashi H, Watashi K, Sawasaki T, Wakita T, Suzuki T. Involvement of PUF60 in Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Regulation of Hepatitis B Virus Pregenomic RNA Expression. Sci Rep. 7: 12874, 2017.
  31. Thongprachum A, Khamrin P, Thi Kim Pham N, Takanashi S, Okitsu S, Shimizu H, Maneekarn N, Hayakawa S Ushijima H. Multiplex RT-PCR for rapid detection of viruses commonly causing diarrhea in pediatric patients. J Med Virol. 89: 818-824, 2017
  32. Tsukuda S, Watashi K, Hojima T, Isogawa M, Iwamoto M, Omagari K, Suzuki R, Aizaki H, Kojima S, Sugiyama M, Saito A, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M, Sureau C, Wakita T. A new class of hepatitis B and D virus entry inhibitors, proanthocyanidin and its analogs, that directly act on the viral large surface proteins. Hepatology. 65: 1104-1116, 2017.
  33. Utsumi T, Lusida MI, Dinana Z, Wahyuni RM, Yamani LN, Juniastuti, Soetjipto, Matsui C, Deng L, Abe T, Doan YH, Fujii Y, Kimura H, Katayama K, Shoji I. Occurrence of norovirus infection in an asymptomatic population in Indonesia. Infect Genet Evol, 55:1-7, 2017.
  34. Yamada N, Sugiyama R, Nitta S, Murayama A, Kobayashi M, Okuse C, Suzuki M, Yasuda K, Yotsuyanagi H, Moriya K, Koike K, Wakita T, Kato T. Resistance mutations of hepatitis B virus in entecavir-refractory patients. Hepatol Comm. 1: 110-121, 2017.
  35. Yamanaka A, Moi ML, Takasaki T, Kurane I, Matsuda M, Suzuki R, Konishi E. Utility of Japanese encephalitis virus subgenomic replicon-based single-round infectious particles as antigens in neutralization tests for Zika virus and three other flaviviruses. J Virol Methods. 243:164-171, 2017.
  36. Yao WL, Ikeda S, Tsukamoto Y, Shindo K, Otakaki Y, Qin M, Iwasawa Y, Takeuchi F, Kaname Y, Chou YC, Chang C, Watashi K, Wakita T, Noda T, Kato H, Fujita T. Establishment of a human hepatocellular cell line capable of maintaining long-term replication of hepatitis B virus. Int Immunol. 29: 109-120, 2017.
  37. Yasumoto J, Kasai1 H, Yoshimura K, Otoguro T, Watashi K, Wakita T, Yamashita A, Tanaka T, Takeda S, Moriishi K. Hepatitis B virus prevents excessive viral production via reduction of cell-death inducing DFF45-like effectors. J Gen Virol. 98: 1762-1773, 2017.
  38. Watanabe R, Mizoguchi H, Oikawa H, Ohashi H, Watashi K, Oguri H. Stereo-controlled synthesis of functionalized tetrahydropyridines based on the cyanomethylation of 1,6-dihydropyridines and generation of anti-hepatitis C virus agents. Bioorg Med Chem. 25: 2851-2855, 2017.



  1. Aizawa S, Okamoto T, Sugiyama Y, Kouwaki T, Ito A, Suzuki T, Ono C, Fukuhara T, Yamamoto M, Okochi M, Hiraga N, Imamura M, Chayama K, Suzuki R, Shoji I, Moriishi K, Moriya K, Koike K, Matsuura Y. TRC8-dependent degradation of hepatitis C virus immature core protein regulates viral propagation and pathogenesis. Nat Commun. 4;7:11379, 2016.
  2. Arita M. Mechanism of poliovirus resistance to host phosphatidylinositol-4 kinase III beta inhibitor. ACS Infectious Diseases. 2: 140-148, 2016.
  3. Doan HY, Haga K, Fujimoto A, Fujii Y, Takai-Todaka R, Oka T, Kimura H, Yoshizumi S, Shigemoto N, Okamoto-Nakagawa R, Shirabe K, Shinomiya H, Sakon-Tanaka N, and Katayama K. Genetic analysis of human rotavirus C: the appearance of Indian-Bangladeshi strain in Far East Asian countries. Infect Genet Evol.;41:160-173, 2016.
  4. Haga K, Fujimoto A, Takai-Todaka R, Miki M, Doan Y. H, Murakami K, Yokoyama M, Murata M, Nakanishi A, and Katayama K. Functional receptor molecules CD300lf and CD300ld enable murine norovirus to internalize into host cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. vol. 113(41) , 2016.
  5. Ito M, Tsuchiaka S, Naoi Y, Otomaru K, Sato M, Masuda T, Haga K, Oka T, Yamasato H, Omatsu T, Sugimura S, Aoki H, Furuya T, Katayama Y, Oba M, Shirai J, Katayama K, Mizutani T, Nagai M. Whole genome analysis of Japanese bovine toroviruses reveals natural recombination between porcine and bovine toroviruses. Infect Genet Evol. 38:90-5, 2016.
  6. Ito W, Toyama M, Okamoto M, Ikeda M, Watashi K, Wakita T, Hashimoto Y, Baba M. Isolation and characterization of hepatitis C virus resistant to a novel phenanthridinone derivative. Antivir Chem Chemother. 2016.
  7. Iwamoto M, Watashi K. Closing the door on hepatitis B and D virus entry: what are our therapeutic options? Future Virology 11: 715-718, 2016.
  8. Kaneko S, Kakinuma S, Asahina Y, Kamiya A, Miyoshi M, Tsunoda T, Nitta S, Asano Y, Nagata H, Otani S, Kawai-Kitahata F, Murakawa M, Itsui Y, Nakagawa M, Azuma S, Nakauchi H, Nishitsuji H, Ujino S, Shimotohno K, Iwamoto M, Watashi K, Wakita T, Watanabe M. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatic cell lines as a new model for host interaction with hepatitis B virus. Sci Rep.6:29358, 2016.
  9. Kimura K, Fukushima T, Katada N, Shimizu H, Nakamura T, Fujimoto T, Hanaoka N, Tanaka-Taya K, Makino K. Adult Case of Acute Flaccid Paralysis with Enterovirus D68 Detected in the CSF. Neurology: Clinical Practice, 2016.
  10. Kobayashi M, Matsushima Y, Motoya T, Sakon N, Shigemoto N, Okamoto-Nakagawa R, Nishimura K, Yamashita Y, Kuroda M, Saruki N, Ryo A, Saraya T, Morita Y, Shirabe K, Ishikawa M, Takahashi T, Shinomiya H, Okabe N, Nawasawa K, Suzuki Y, Katayama K, Kimura H. Molecular evolution of the capsid gene in human norovirus genogroup II. Sci Rep. 6:29400. doi: 10.1038/srep29400, 2016.
  11. Kong L, Fujimoto A, Nakamura M, Aoyagi H, 
Matsuda M, Watashi K, Suzuki R, Arita M, Yamagoe S, Dohmae N, Suzuki T, Sakamaki Y, Ichinose S, Suzuki T, Wakita T, Aizaki H. Prolactin regulatory element binding protein is involved in hepatitis C virus replication compartment by interacting with NS4B. J Virol. 90: 3093-3111, 2016.
  12. Kotani O, Naeem A, Suzuki T, Iwata-Yoshikawa N, Sato Y, Nakajima N, Hosomi T, Tsukagoshi H, Kozawa K, Hasegawa H, Taguchi F, Shimizu H, Nagata N. Neuropathogenicity of Two Saffold Virus Type 3 Isolates in Mouse Models. PLoS One 11: e0148184, 2016.
  13. Kouwaki T, Okamoto T, Ito A, Sugiyama Y, Yamashita K, Suzuki T, Kusakabe S, Hirano J, Fukuhara T, Yamashita A, Saito K, Okuzaki D, Watashi K, Sugiyama M, Yoshio S, Standley DM, Kanto T, Mizokami M, Moriishi K, Matsuura Y. Hepatocyte Factor JMJD5 Regulates Hepatitis B Virus Replication through Interaction with HBx. J Virol. 90:3530-42, 2016.
  14. Kubota N, Nomoto M, Hwang GW, Watanabe T, Kohara M, Wakita T, Naganuma A, Kuge S. Hepatitis C virus inhibitor synergism suggests multistep interactions between heat-shock protein 90 and hepatitis C virus replication. World J Hepatol. 8(5):282-90, 2016.
  15. Lee EM, Alsagheir A, Wu X, Hammack C, McLauchlan J, Watanabe N, Wakita T, Kneteman NM, Douglas DN, Tang H. Hepatitis C Virus-Induced Degradation of Cell. Death-Inducing DFFA-Like Effector B Leads to Hepatic Lipid Dysregulation. J Virol. 90: 4174-4185, 2016.
  16. Leong CR, Funami K, Oshiumi H, Mengao D, Takaki H, Matsumoto M, Aly HH, Watashi K, Chayama K, Seya T. Interferon-stimulated gene of 20 kDa protein (ISG20) degrades RNA of Hepatitis B virus to impede the replication of HBV in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget. 2016.
  17. Li TC, Yang T, Yoshizaki S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Ishii K, Kishida N, Shirakura M, Asanuma H, Takeda N, Wakita T. Ferret hepatitis E virus infection induces acute hepatitis and persistent infection in ferrets. Vet Microbiol. 183:30-6, 2016.
  18. Li T.C, Yoshizaki S, Yang T, Kataoka M, Nakamura T, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Takeda N, and Wakita T. Production of infectious ferret hepatitis E virus in a human hepatocarcinoma cell line PLC/PRF/5. Virus Research. 213: 283-288, 2016.
  19. Li TC, Zhou X, Yoshizaki S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Nakamura T, Takeda N, Wakita T. Production of Infectious Dromedary Camel Hepatitis E Virus by a Reverse Genetic System: Potential for Zoonotic Infection. J Hepatol, 2016.
  20. Liu Z, Guo F, Wang F, Li T.C and Jiang W. 2.9 A Resolution Cryo-EM 3D Reconstruction of Close-Packed Virus Particles. Structure. 24: 319-328, 2016.

  21. Lu Z, Yokoyama M, Chen N, Oka T, Jung K, Chang KO, Annamalai T, Wang Q, Saif LJ. Mechanism of cell culture adaptation of an enteric calicivirus,
porcine sapovirus Cowden strain. J Virol. 90: 1345-1358, 2016.
  22. Matsumura T, Sugiyama N, Murayama A, Yamada N, Shiina M, Asabe S, Wakita T, Imawari M, Kato T. Antimicrobial peptide LL-37 attenuates infection of hepatitis C virus. Hepatol Res. 46(9):924-32, 2016.
  23. Matsushima Y, Shimizu T, Ishikawa M, Komane A, Okabe N, Ryo A, Kimura H, Katayama K, and Shimizu H. Complete Genome Sequence of a Recombinant GII.P16-GII.4 Norovirus Detected in Kawasaki City, Japan, 2016. Genome Announcements, vol. 4 (5) e01099-16, 2016.
  24. Miyoshi M, Kakinuma S, Tanabe Y, Ishii K, Li TC, Wakita T, Tsuura Y, Watanabe H, Asahina Y, Watanabe M, Ikeda T. Chronic Hepatitis E Infection in a Persistently Immunosuppressed Patient Unable to Be Eliminated after Ribavirin Therapy. Intern Med. 55(19):2811-2817, 2016.
  25. Motoya T., Nagata N., Komori H., Doi I., Kurosawa M., Keta T., Sasaki N and Ishii K. The high prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection in wild boars in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 77: 1705-1709, 2016.
  26. Murayama A, Sugiyama N, Wakita T, Kato T. Completion of the Entire Hepatitis C Virus Life Cycle in Vero Cells Derived from Monkey Kidney. MBio. 7(3) , 2016.
  27. Nakajima S, Watashi K, Ohashi H, Kamisuki S, Izaguirre-Carbonell J, Tae-Jun Kwon A, Suzuki H, Kataoka M, Tsukuda S, Okada M, Moi ML, Takeuchi T, Arita M, Suzuki R, Aizaki H, Kato T, Suzuki T, Hasegawa H, Takasaki T, Sugawara F, Wakita T. Fungal-derived neoechinulin B as a novel antagonist of liver X receptor, identified by chemical genetics using hepatitis C virus cell culture system. J Virol. 90(20):9058-74, 2016.
  28. Nishikori S, Takemoto K, Kamisuki S, Nakajima S, Kuramochi K, Tsukuda S, Iwamoto M, Katayama Y, Suzuki T, Kobayashi S, Watashi K, Sugawara F. Anti-hepatitis C Virus Natural Product from a Fungus, Penicillium herquei. J Nat Prod. 79(2):442-6, 2016.
  29. Nitta S, Asahina Y, Matsuda M, Yamada N, Sugiyama R, Masaki T, Suzuki R, Kato N, Watanabe M, Wakita T, Kato T. Effects of Resistance-Associated NS5A Mutations in Hepatitis C Virus on Viral Production and Susceptibility to Antiviral Reagents. Sci Rep. 26:34652, 2016.
  30. Okamura H, Nio Y, Akahori Y, Kim S, Watashi K, Wakita T, Hijikata M. Fatty acid biosynthesis is involved in the production of hepatitis B virus particles. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 475(1):87-92, 2016.
  31. Okitsu S, Khamrin P, Hanaoka N, Thongprachum A, Takanashi S, Fujimoto T, Mizuguchi M, Shimizu H, Hayakawa S, Maneekarn N Ushijima H. Cosavirus (family Picornaviridae) in pigs in Thailand and Japan. Arch Virol 161: 159-163, 2016.
  32. Otomaru K, Naoi Y, Haga K, Omatsu T, Uto T, 
Koizumi M, Masuda T, Yamasato H, Takai H, Aoki H, Tsuchiaka S, Sano K, Okazaki S, Katayama Y, Oba M, Furuya T, Shirai J, Katayama K, Mizutani T, Nagai M. Detection of novel kobu-like viruses in Japanese black cattle in Japan. J Vet Med Sci. 78: 321-324, 2016. 

  33. Ricco G, Bonino F, Lanza M, Scatena F, Alfieri C.M, Messa P, Marchisio E, Mascolo G, Romanò L, Galli C, Li T.C, Wakita T, Miyamura T, Brunetto M.R. New immunoassays for total, IgA and IgM antibodies against hepatitis E virus: Prevalence in Italian blood donors and patients with chronic liver or kidney diseases. Dig Liver Dis. 48: 536-541, 2016. 

  34. Saga R, Fujimoto A, Watanabe N, Matsuda M, Hasegawa M, Watashi K, Aizaki H, Nakamura N, Tajima S, Takasaki T, Konishi E, Kato T, Kohara M, Takeyama H, Wakita T, Suzuki R. Bivalent vaccine platform based on Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) elicits neutralizing antibodies against JEV and hepatitis C virus. Sci Rep. 6:28688, 2016.
  35. Sankhyan A, Sharma C, Dutta D, Sharma T, Chosdol K, Wakita T, Watashi K, Awasthi A, Acharya SK, Khanna N, Tiwari A, Sinha S. Inhibition of preS1-hepatocyte interaction by an array of recombinant human antibodies from naturally recovered individuals. Sci Rep. 6:21240, 2016.
  36. Sato J, Miki M, Kubota H, Hitomi J, Tokuda H, Takai-Todaka R and Katayama K. Effects of disinfectants against norovirus virus-like particles predict norovirus inactivation. Microbiol Immunol 60, 609-616, 2016.
  37. Shi G, Ando T, Suzuki R, Matsuda M, Nakashima K, Ito M, Omatsu T, Oba M, Ochiai H, Kato T, Mizutani T, Sawasaki T, Wakita T, Suzuki T. Involvement of the 3' Untranslated Region in Encapsidation of the Hepatitis C Virus. PLoS Pathog. 12(2):e1005441, 2016.
  38. Shima R, Li TC, Sendai Y, Kataoka C, Mori Y, Abe T, Takeda N, Okamoto T, Matsuura Y. Production of hepatitis E virus-like particles presenting multiple foreign epitopes by co-infection of recombinant baculoviruses. Sci Rep. 6:21638, 2016.
  39. Shimizu H. Development and introduction of inactivated poliovirus vaccines derived from Sabin strains in Japan. Vaccine 34: 1975-1985, 2016.
  40. Shimizu K, Hamaguchi S, Ngo CC, Li TC, Ando S, Yoshimatsu K, Yasuda SP, Koma T, Isozumi R, Tsuda Y, Fujita H, Pham TT, LE MQ, Dang AD, Nguyen TQ, Yoshida LM, Ariyoshi K, Arikawa J. Serological evidence of infection with rodent-borne hepatitis E virus HEV-C1 or antigenically related virus in humans. J Vet Med Sci, 2016.
  41. Shirasago Y, Shimizu Y, Tanida I, Suzuki T, Suzuki R, Sugiyama K, Wakita T, Hanada K, Yagi K, Kondoh M, Fukasawa M. Occludin-Knockout Human Hepatic Huh7.5.1-8-Derived Cells Are Completely Resistant to Hepatitis C Virus Infection. Biol Pharm Bull. 39(5):839-48, 2016.
  42. Suzuki R, Saito K, Matsuda M, Sato M, Kanegae Y, Shi G, Watashi K, Aizaki H, Chiba J, Saito I, Wakita T, Suzuki T. Single-domain Intrabodies against HCV Core Inhibit Viral Propagation and Core-induced NF-κB Activation. J Gen Virol. 97:887-92, 2016.
  43. Suzuki Y, Doan H. Y., Kimura H, Shinomiya H, Shirabe K, Katayama K. Predicting genotype compositions in norovirus seasons in Japan. Microbiol and Immunol. 60, 418-426, 2016.
  44. Tabata K, Arimoto M, Arakawa M, Nara A, Saito K, Omori H, Arai A, Ishikawa T, Konishi E, Suzuki R, Matsuura Y, Morita E. Unique Requirement for ESCRT Factors in Flavivirus Particle Formation on the Endoplasmic Reticulum. Cell Rep. 16:2339-47, 2016.
  45. Takeda M, Ikeda M, Satoh S, Dansako H, Wakita T, Kato N. Rab13 Is Involved in the Entry Step of Hepatitis C Virus Infection. Acta Med Okayama. 70(2):111-8, 2016.
  46. Tao Z, Wang Z, Lin X, Wang S, Wang H, Yoshida H, Xu A Song Y. One-year Survey of human enteroviruses from sewage and the factors affecting virus adsorption to the suspended solids. Scientific reports 6: 31474, 2016.
  47. Tran DN, Trinh QD, Pham NT, Pham TM, Ha MT, Nguyen TQ, Okitsu S, Shimizu H, Hayakawa S, Mizuguchi M Ushijima H. Human rhinovirus infections in hospitalized children: clinical, epidemiological and virological features. Epidemiology and infection 144: 346-354, 2016.
  48. Tsunematsu S, Suda G, Yamasaki K, Kimura M, Izumi T, Umemura M, Ito J, Sato F, Nakai M, Sho T, Morikawa K, Ogawa K, Tanaka Y, Watashi K, Wakita T, Sakamoto N. Hepatitis B virus X protein impairs α-interferon signaling via up-regulation of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 and protein phosphatase 2A. J Med Virol. 2016.
  49. Watashi K. HBV Slow Maturation Process Leads to Infection. Trends Microbiol. 24(8):597-9, 2016.
  50. Yamamoto S, Fukuhara T, Ono C, Uemura K, Kawachi Y, Shiokawa M, Mori H, Wada M, Shima R, Okamoto T, Hiraga N, Suzuki R, Chayama K, Wakita T, Matsuura Y. Lipoprotein Receptors Redundantly Participate in Entry of Hepatitis C Virus. PLoS Pathog. e1005610, 2016.
  51. Yokokawa H, Higashino A, Suzuki S, Moriyama M, Nakamura N, Suzuki T, Suzuki R, Ishii K, Kobiyama K, Ishii KJ, Wakita T, Akari H, Kato T. Induction of humoural and cellular immunity by immunisation with HCV particle vaccine in a non-human primate model. Gut. pii: gutjnl-2016-312208, 2016.
  52. Yumiketa Y, Narita T, Inoue Y, Sato G, Kamitani W, Oka T, Katayama K, Sakaguchi T and Tohya Y. Nonstructural protein p39 of feline calicivirus suppresses host innate immune response by preventing IRF-3 activation. Veterinary Microbiology. 185: 62-67, 2016. 

  53. Zhang W, Sano N, Kataoka M, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Wakita T, Ikeda H, Li TC.Virus-like particles of porcine bocavirus generated by recombinant baculoviruses can be applied to sero-epidemic studies. Virus Res. 217:85-91, 2016.
  54. Zhou X, Xu L, Wang W, Watashi K, Wang Y, Sprengers D, de Ruiter PE, van der Laan LJ, Metselaar HJ, Kamar N, Peppelenbosch MP, Pan Q. Disparity of basal and therapeutically activated interferon signalling in constraining hepatitis E virus infection. J Viral Hepat. 23: 294-304, 2016. 



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  2. Arita M, Kilpatrick DR, Nakamura T, Burns CC, Bukbuk D, Oderinde SB, Oberste MS, Kew OM, Pallansch MA, Shimizu H. Development of an efficient entire-capsid-coding-region amplification method for direct detection of poliovirus from stool extracts. J Clin Microbiol. 53: 73-78, 2015.
  3. Chapellier B, Tange S, Tasaki H, Yoshida K, Zhou Y, Sakon N, Katayama K, Nakanishi A. Examination of a plasmid-based reverse genetics system for human astrovirus. Microbiol Immunol. 59: 586-96, 2015. 

  4. Chu PS, Ebinuma H, Nakamoto N, Sugiyama K, Usui S, Wakayama Y, Taniki N, Yamaguchi A, Shiba S, Yamagishi Y, Wakita T, Hibi T, Saito H, Kanai T. Genotype-Associated Differential NKG2D Expression on CD56+CD3+ Lymphocytes Predicts Response to Pegylated-Interferon/Ribavirin Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C. PLoS One. 10: e0125664, 2015.
  5. Esumi M, Ishibashi M, Yamaguchi H, Nakajima S, Tai Y, Kikuta S, Sugitani M, Takayama T, Tahara M, Takeda M, Wakita T. Transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2 activates hepatitis C virus infection. Hepatology. 61(2): 437-46, 2015.

  6. Hiramoto H, Dansako H, Takeda M, Satoh S, Wakita T, Ikeda M, Kato N. Annexin A1 negatively regulates viral RNA replication of hepatitis C virus. Acta Med Okayama. 69(2): 71-8, 2015.
  7. Ide T, Komoto S, Higo-Moriguchi K, Htun KW, Myint YY, Myat TW, Thant KZ, Thu HM, Win MM, Oo HN, Htut T, Wakuda M, Dennis FE, Haga K, Fujii Y , Katayama K, Rahman S, Nguyen SV , Umeda K, Oguma K, Tsuji T, Taniguchi K. Whole Genomic Analysis of Human G12P[6] and G12P[8] Rotavirus Strains that Have Emerged in Myanmar. PLoS One. 10: e0124965, 2015.
  8. Ishida Y, Yamasaki C, Yanagi A, Yoshizane Y, Fujikawa K, Watashi K, Abe H, Wakita T, Hayes CN, Chayama K, Tateno C. Novel robust in vitro hepatitis B virus infection model using fresh human hepatocytes isolated from humanized mice. Am J Pathol. 185: 1275-1285, 2015.

  9. Ishii K, Kiyohara T, Yoshizaki S, Kawabata K, Kanayama A, Yahata Y, Takahashi T, Kinoshita H, Saitou T, Sunagawa T, Oishi K, Uema M, Noda M, Wakita T. Epidemiological and genetic analysis of a 2014 outbreak of hepatitis A in Japan. Vaccine. 33: 6029-6036, 2015. 

  10. Islam MJ, Hikosaka K, Noritake H, Uddin MK, Amin MB, Aoto K, Wu YX, Sato E, Kobayashi Y, Wakita T, Miura N. Pol I-transcribed hepatitis C virus genome RNA replicates, produces an infectious virus and leads to severe hepatic steatosis in transgenic mice. Biomed Res. 36(3): 159-67, 2015.
  11. Jiang X, Kanda T, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Nakamura M, Sasaki R, Haga Y, Wakita T, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Hepatitis C Virus Nonstructural Protein 5A Inhibits MG132-Induced Apoptosis of Hepatocytes in Line with NF-κB-Nuclear Translocation. PLoS One. 10: e0131973, 2015. 

  12. Kanayama A, Arima Y, Yamagishi T, Kinoshita H, Sunagawa T, Yahata Y, Matsui T, Ishii K, Wakita T, Oishi K. Epidemiology of domestically acquired hepatitis E virus infection in Japan: assessment of the nationally reported surveillance data, 2007-2013. J Med Microbiol. 64: 752-758, 2015. 

  13. Kaneko M, Watashi K, Kamisuki S, Matsunaga H, Iwamoto M, Kawai F, Ohashi H, Tsukuda S, Shimura S, Suzuki R, Aizaki H, Sugiyama M, Park SY, Ito T, Ohtani N, Sugawara F, Tanaka Y, Mizokami M, Sureau C, Wakita T. A Novel Tricyclic Polyketide, Vanitaracin A, Specifically Inhibits the Entry of Hepatitis B and D Viruses by Targeting Sodium Taurocholate Cotransporting Polypeptide. J Virol. 89: 11945-11953, 2015. 

  14. Kataoka C, Suzuki T, Kotani O, Iwata-Yoshikawa N, Nagata N, Ami Y, Wakita T, Nishimura Y, Shimizu H. The Role of VP1 Amino Acid Residue 145 of Enterovirus 71 in Viral Fitness and Pathogenesis in a Cynomolgus Monkey Model. PLoS Pathog. 11: e1005033, 2015. 

  15. Kiyohara T, Ishii K, Sugiyama M, Mizokami M and Wakita T. Seroepidemiological study of hepatitis B virus markers in Japan. Vaccine. 33: 6037-6042, 2015. 

  16. Kobayashi M, Yoshizumi S, Kogawa S, Takahashi T, Ueki Y, Shinohara M, Mizukoshi F, Tsukagoshi H, Sasaki Y, Suzuki R, Shimizu H, Iwakiri A, Okabe N, Shirabe K, Shinomiya H, Kozawa K, Kusunoki H, Ryo A, Kuroda M, Katayama K, Kimura H. Molecular Evolution of the Capsid Gene in Norovirus Genogroup I. Sci Rep. 5: 13806, 2015. 

  17. Komada K, Sugiyama M, Vongphrachanh P, Xeuatvongsa A, Khamphaphongphane B, Kitamura T, Kiyohara T, Wakita T, Oshitani H, Hachiya M. Seroprevalence of chronic hepatitis B, as determined from dried blood spots, among children and their mothers in central Lao People's Democratic Republic: a multistage, stratified cluster sampling survey. Int J Infect Dis. 36: 21-26, 2015. 

  18. Komoto S, Tacharoenmuang R, Guntapong R, Ide T, Haga K, Katayama K, Kato T, Ouchi Y, Kurahashi H, Tsuji T, Sangkitporn S, Taniguchi K. Emergence and Characterization of Unusual DS-1-Like G1P[8] 
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  19. Kotani O, Iwata-Yoshikawa N, Suzuki T, Sato Y, Nakajima N, Koike S, Iwasaki T, Sata T, Yamashita T, Minagawa H, Taguchi F, Hasegawa H, Shimizu H, Nagata N. Establishment of a panel of in-house polyclonal antibodies for the diagnosis of enterovirus infections. Neuropathology. 35:  107-121, 2015. 

  20. Li TC, Kataoka M, Takahashi K, Yoshizaki S, Kato T, Ishii K, Takeda N, Mishiro S and Wakita T. Generation of hepatitis E virus-like particles of two new genotypes G5 and G6 and comparison of antigenic properties with those of known genotypes. Veterinary Microbiology. 178: 150-157, 2015.
  21. Li TC, Yoshizaki S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Yang T, Takeda N, and Wakita T. Monkeys and rats are not susceptible to ferret hepatitis E virus infection. Intervilorogy. 58: 139-142, 2015. 

  22. Li TC, Fukumoto H, Hasegawa H, Wakita T, Saeki H, Suzuki T, Katano H. Seroprevalence of trichodysplasia spinulosa-associated polyomavirus in Japan. J Clinic Virol. 65:76-82, 2015.
  23. Li TC, Iwasaki K, Katano H, Kataoka M, Nagata N, Kobayashi K, Mizutani T, Takeda M, Wakita T, Suzuki T. Characterization of Self-assembled Virus-like Particles of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus. PLOS ONE. 10(2): e0115646, 2015.
  24. Li TC, Yang T, Yoshizaki S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Ishii K, Haga K, Nakamura T, Ochiai S, Wakita T, Johne R. Construction and characterization of an infectious cDNA clone of rat hepatitis E virus. Journal of General Virology. 96:1320-7, 2015.
  25. Li TC, Yonemitsu K, Terada Y, Takeda N, Wakita T and Maeda K. Ferret hepatitis E virus infection in Japan. JJID. 68(1): 60-62, 2015.
  26. Liu X, Saito M, Sayama Y, Suzuki E, Malbas FF, Galang HO, Furuse Y, Saito M, Li TC, Suzuki A, Oshitani H. Seroprevalence and molecular characteristics of hepatitis E virus in household-raised pig population in Philippines. BMC Vet Res. 11(1): 11, 2015.
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  29. Masaki T, Arend KC, Li Y, Yamane D, McGivern DR, Kato T, Wakita T, Moorman NJ, Lemon SM. miR-122 stimulates hepatitis C virus RNA synthesis by altering the balance of viral RNAs engaged in replication versus translation. Cell Host Microbe. 17(2): 217-228, 2015.
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  31. Matsunaga H, Kamisuki S, Kaneko M, Yamaguchi Y, Takeuchi T, Watashi K, Sugawara F. Isolation and structure of vanitaracin A, a novel anti-hepatitis B virus compound from Talaromyces sp. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 25: 4325-4328, 2015. 

  32. Matsushima Y, Ishikawa M, Shimizu T, Komane A, Kasuo S, Shinohara M, Nagasawa K, Kimura H, Ryo A, Okabe N, Haga K, Doan HY, Katayama K, Shimizu H. Genetic analyses of GII.17 norovirus strains in diarrheal disease outbreaks from December 2014 to March 2015 in Japan reveal a novel polymerase sequence and amino acid substitutions in the capsid region. Eurosurveillance. 20:1-6, 2015. 

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  34. Miyakawa K, Matsunaga S, Watashi K, Sugiyama M, Kimura H, Yamamoto N, Mizokami M, Wakita T, Ryo A. Molecular dissection of HBV evasion from restriction factor tetherin: A new perspective for antiviral cell therapy. Oncotarget. 6: 21840-21852, 2015.

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  37. Nemoto M, Nagai M, Tsunemitsu H, Omatsu T, Furuya T, Shirai J, Kondo T, Fujii Y, Todaka R, Katayama K, Mizutani T. Whole-genome sequence analysis of G3 and G14 equine group A rotaviruses isolated in the late 1990s and 2009-2010. Arch Virol. 160: 1171-1179, 2015.

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  42. Saito K, Shirasago Y, Suzuki T, Aizaki H, Hanada K, Wakita T, Nishijima M, Fukasawa M. Targeting cellular squalene synthase, an enzyme essential for cholesterol biosynthesis, is a potential antiviral strategy against hepatitis C virus. J Virol. 89(4): 2220-32, 2015.
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  47. Shirasago Y, Sekizuka T, Saito K, Suzuki T, Wakita T, Hanada K, Kuroda M, Abe R, Fukasawa M. Isolation and characterization of an Huh.7.5.1-derived cell clone highly permissive to hepatitis C virus. Jpn J Infect Dis. 68(2): 81-8, 2015.
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  1. Arita M. Phosphatidylinositol-4 kinase III beta and oxysterol-binding protein accumulate unesterified cholesterol on poliovirus-induced membrane structure. Microbiology and Immunology. 58: 239-256, 2014.
  2. Choi JE, Hur W, Kim JH, Li TZ, Lee EB, Lee SW, Kang W, Shin EC, Wakita T, Yoon SK. MicroRNA-27a modulates HCV infection in differentiated hepatocyte-like cells from adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. PLoS One. 13;9(5):e91958, 2014.
  3. Daito T, Watashi K, Sluder A, Ohashi H, Nakajima S, Borroto-Esoda K, Fujita T, Wakita T. Cyclophilin inhibitors reduce phosphorylation of RNA-dependent protein kinase to restore expression of IFN-stimulated genes in HCV-infected cells. Gastroenterology. 147(2): 463-472, 2014.
  4. Dansako H, Hiramoto H, Ikeda M, Wakita T, Kato N. Rab18 is required for viral assembly of hepatitis C virus through trafficking of the core protein to lipid droplets. Virology. 462-463:166-74, 2014.
  5. Dennis FE, Fujii Y, Haga K, Damanka S, Lartey B, Agbemabiese CA, Ohta N, Armah GE, Katayama K: Identification of Novel Ghanaian G8P[6] Human-Bovine Reassortant Rotavirus Strain by Next Generation Sequencing. PLoS One. 9(6): e100699, 2014.
  6. Fang L, Wang Z, Song S, Kataoka M, Ke C, Suzuki T, Wakita T, Takeda N, Li TC. Characterization of human bocavirus-like particles generated by recombinant baculoviruses. J Virol Methods. 207:38-44, 2014.
  7. Fujii Y, Nakagomi T, Nishimura N, Noguchi A, Miura S, Ito H, Doan YH, Takahashi T, Ozaki T, Katayama K, Nakagomi O: Spread and predominance in Japan of novel G1P[8] double-reassortant rotavirus strains possessing a DS-1-like genotype constellation typical of G2P[4] strains. Infect Genet Evol. 28:426-33, 2014.
  8. Fukuhara T, Wada M, Nakamura S, Ono C, Shiokawa M, Yamamoto S, Motomura T, Okamoto T, Okuzaki D, Yamamoto M, Saito I, Wakita T, Koike K, Matsuura Y. Amphipathic α-helices in apolipoproteins are crucial to the formation of infectious hepatitis C virus particles. PLoS Pathog. 11;10(12): e1004534, 2014.
  9. Ishibashi M, Morita N, Nomura-Kawaguchi C, Shimizu Y, Wakita T, Esumi M. CLEC4M-positive and CD81-negative Huh7 cells are not susceptible to JFH-1 HCVcc infection but mediate transinfection. Arch Virol. 159(11): 2949-55, 2014.
  10. Iwai-Itamochi M, Yoshida H, Obara-Nagoya M, Horimoto E, Kurata T, Takizawa T. Development of real-time PCR to detect oral vaccine-like poliovirus and its application to environmental surveillance. J Virol Methods. 195, 148-155, 2014.
  11. Iwamoto M, Watashi K, Tsukuda S, Aly HH, Fukasawa M, Fujimoto A, Suzuki R, Aizaki H, Ito T, Koiwai O, Kusuhara H, Wakita T. Evaluation and identification of hepatitis B virus entry inhibitors using HepG2 cells overexpressing a membrane transporter NTCP. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 443(3): 808-813, 2014.
  12. Jiang X, Kanda T, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Saito K, Shirasawa H, Kiyohara T, Ishii K, Wakita T, Okamoto H, Yokosuka O. Suppression of La Antigen Exerts Potential Antiviral Effects against Hepatitis A Virus. PLOS One. 9, e101993, 2014.
  13. Jiang X, Kanda T, Wu S, Nakamoto S, Wakita T, Shirasawa H, Yokosuka O. Hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein 5A inhibits thapsigargin-induced apoptosis. PLoS One. 9(11): e113499, 2014.
  14. Katayama K, Murakami K, Sharp TM, Guix S, Oka T, Takai-Todaka R, Nakanishi A, Crawford SE, Atmar RL, Estes MK. Plasmid-based human norovirus reverse genetics system produces reporter-tagged progeny virus containing infectious genomic RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(38): E4043-52, 2014.
  15. Kim S, Date T, Yokokawa H, Kono T, Aizaki H, Maurel P, Gondeau C, Wakita T. Development of hepatitis C virus genotype 3a cell culture system. Hepatology. 60(6): 1838-50, 2014.
  16. Komoto S, Pongsuwanna Y, Ide T, Wakuda M, Guntapong R, Dennis FE, Haga K, Fujii Y, Katayama K, Taniguti K. Whole genomic analysis of porcine G10P[5] rotavirus strain P343 provides evidence for bovine-to-porcine interspecies transmission. Veterinary Microbiology. 174, 577-583, 2014.
  17. Komoto S, Wandera Apondi E, Shah M, Odoyo E, Nyangao J, Tomita M, Wakuda M, Maeno Y, Shirato H, Tsuji T, Ichinose Y, Taniguchi K. Whole geno mic analysis of human G12P[6] and G12P[8] rotavi rus strains that have emerged in Kenya: Identifica tion of porcine-like NSP4 genes. Infection, Genetic s and Evolution. 27, 277-293, 2014.
  18. Kondo Y, Ninomiya M, Kimura O, Machida K, Funayama R, Nagashima T, Kobayashi K, Kakazu E, Kato T, Nakayama K, Lai MM, Shimosegawa T. HCV infection enhances Th17 commitment, which could affect the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. PloS One 9(6), e98521. 2014.
  19. Li TC, Yang T, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Shirakura M, Kishida N, Asanuma H, Takeda N, and Wakita T. Full Genome of Ferret Hepatitis E Virus from Laboratory Ferrets. Emerg Infect Dis. 20(4): 709-12, 2014.
  20. Li TC, Yang T, Shiota T, Yoshizaki S, Yoshida H, Saito M, Imagawa T, Malbas F, Lupisan S, Oshitani H, Wakita T, Ishii K. Molecular detection of hepatitis E virus in rivers in the Philippines. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine. 90: 764-766, 2014.
  21. Li Y, Masaki T, Shimakami T, Lemon SM. hnRNP L and NF90 interact with hepatitis C virus 5'-terminal untranslated RNA and promote efficient replication. J Virol. 88(13): 7199-7209, 2014.
  22. Masaki T, Matsunaga S, Takahashi H, Nakashima K, Kimura Y, Ito M, Matsuda M, Murayama A, Kato T, Hirano H, Endo Y, Lemon SM, Wakita T, Sawasaki T, Suzuki T. Involvement of hepatitis C virus NS5A hyperphosphorylation mediated by casein kinase I-α in infectious virus production. J Virol. 88(13): 7541-7555, 2014.
  23. Masuda T, Nagai M, Yamasato H, Tsuchiaka S, Okazaki S, Katayama Y, Oba M, Nishiura N, Sassa Y, Omatsu T, Furuya T, Koyama S, Shirai J, Taniguchi K, Fujii Y, Todaka R, Katayama K, Mizutani T: Identification of novel bovine group A rotavirus G15P[14] strain from epizootic diarrhea of adult cows by de novo sequencing using a next-generation sequencer. Vet Microbiol. 171(1-2): 66-73, 2014.
  24. Matsuda M, Suzuki R, Kataoka C, Watashi K, Aizaki H, Kato N, Matsuura Y, Suzuki T, Wakita T. Alternative endocytosis pathway for productive entry of hepatitis C virus. J Gen Virol. 95 (Pt12): 2658-2667, 2014.
  25. McGivern DR, Masaki T, Williford S, Ingravallo P, Feng Z, Lahser F, Asante-Appiah E, Neddermann P, De Francesco R, Howe AY, Lemon SM. Kinetic analyses reveal potent and early blockade of hepatitis C virus assembly by NS5A inhibitors. Gastroenterology. 147(2): 453-462, 2014.
  26. Munakata T, Inada M, Tokunaga Y, Wakita T, Kohara M, Nomoto A. Suppression of hepatitis C virus replication by cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Antiviral Res. 108:79-87, 2014.
  27. Murakami Y, Fukasawa M, Kaneko Y, Suzuki T, Wakita T, Fukazawa H. Retinoids and rexinoids inhibit hepatitis C virus independently of retinoid receptor signaling. Microbes Infect. 16(2): 114-22, 2014.
  28. Naeem A, Hosomi T, Nishimura Y, Alam MM, Oka T, Zaidi SS, Shimizu H. Genetic diversity of circulating Saffold viruses in Pakistan and Afghanistan. J Gen Virol. 95: 1945-1957, 2014.
  29. Nakai M, Seya T, Matsumoto M, Shimotohno K, Sakamoto N, Aly HH. The J6JFH1 strain of hepatitis C virus infects human B-cells with low replication efficacy. Viral Immunol. 27(6): 285-94, 2014.
  30. Ogura N, Watashi K, Noguchi T, Wakita T. Formation of covalently closed circular DNA in Hep38.7-Tet cells, a tetracycline inducible hepatitis B virus expression cell line. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 452(3): 315-321, 2014.
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  33. Oka T, Takagi H, Tohya Y. Development of a novel single step reverse genetics system for feline calicivirus. J Virol Methods. 207:178-81, 2014.
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  35. Okitsu S, Khamrin P, Thongprachum A, Kalesaran AF, Takanashi S, Shimizu H, Maneekarn N, Mizuguchi M, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Molecular characterization and sequence analysis of the 2B region of Aichivirus C strains in Japan and Thailand. Infect Genet Evol .26: 89-94, 2014.
  36. Okitsu S, Khamrin P, Thongprachum A, Nishimura S, Kalesaran AF, Takanashi S, Shimizu H, Hayakawa S, Mizuguchi M, Ushijima H. Detection and molecular characterization of human cosavirus in a pediatric patient with acute gastroenteritis, Japan. Infect Genet Evol. 28: 125-129, 2014.
  37. Shimizu H, Nakashima K. Surveillance of hand, foot, and mouth disease for a vaccine. Lancet Infect. Dis. 14(4), 262-3, 2014.
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  41. Sugiyama N, Murayama A, Suzuki R, Watanabe N, Shiina M, Liang TJ, Wakita T, Kato T. Single strain isolation method for cell culture-adapted hepatitis C virus by end-point dilution and infection. PLoS One. 9(5): e98168, 2014.
  42. Sung PS, Murayama A, Kang W, Kim MS, Yoon SK, Fukasawa M, Kondoh M, Kim JS, Kim H, Kato T, Shin EC. Hepatitis C virus entry is impaired by claudin-1 downregulation in diacylglycerol acyltransferase-1-deficient cells. J Virol. 88(16): 9233-9244, 2014.
  43. Suzuki R, Ishikawa T, Konishi E, Matsuda M, Watashi K, Aizaki H, Takasaki T, Wakita T. Production of single-round infectious chimeric flaviviruses with DNA-based Japanese encephalitis virus replicon. J Gen Virol. 95:60-65, 2014.
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  47. Watashi K, Sluder A, Daito T, Matsunaga S, Ryo A, Nagamori S, Iwamoto M, Nakajima S, Tsukuda S, Borroto-Esoda K, Sugiyama M, Tanaka Y, Kanai Y, Kusuhara H, Mizokami M, Wakita T. Cyclosporin A and its analogs inhibit hepatitis B virus entry into cultured hepatocytes through targeting a membrane transporter, sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP). Hepatology. 59(5): 1726-1737, 2014.
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  51. Yamada N, Shigefuku R, Sugiyama R, Kobayashi M, Ikeda H, Takahashi H, Okuse C, Suzuki M, Itoh F, Yotsuyanagi H, Yasuda K, Moriya K, Koike K, Wakita T, Kato T. Acute Hepatitis B of Genotype H Resulting in Persistent Infection. World J Gastroenterol. 20(11): 3044-9, 2014.
  52. Yamanaka A, Suzuki R, Konishi E. Evaluation of single-round infectious, chimeric dengue type 1 virus as an antigen for dengue functional antibody assays. Vaccine. 34:4289-95, 2014.



  1. Abe Y, Aly HH, Imamura M, Wakita T, Shimotohno K, Chayama K, Hijikata M. Thromboxane A2 synthase inhibitor and prostaglandin I2 receptor agonist are potent anti-Hepatitis C virus (HCV) drugs. Gastroenterology. 145(3): 658-667, 2013.
  2. Akazawa D, Moriyama M, Yokokawa H, Omi N, Watanabe N, Date T, Morikawa K, Aizaki H, Ishii K, Kato T, Mochizuki H, Nakamura N, Wakita T.Neutralizing antibodies induced by cell culture-derived hepatitis C virus protect against infection in mice. Gastroenterology. 145(2): 447-55.e1-4, 2013.
  3. Arita M, Kojima H, Nagano T, Okabe T, Wakita T, Shimizu H. Oxysterol-binding protein family I is the target of minor enviroxime-like compounds. J Virol. 87(8): 4252-4260, 2013.
  4. Arita M. Development of poliovirus extraction method from the stool extracts by using magnetic nanoparticles sensitized with soluble poliovirus receptor. J Clin Microbiol. 51(8): 2717-2720, 2013.
  5. Burns CC, Shaw J, Jorba J, Bukbuk D, Adu F, Gumede N, Pate MA, Abanida EA, Gasasira A, Iber J, Chen Q, Vincent A, Chenoweth P, Henderson E, Wannemuehler K, Naeem A, Umami RN, Nishimura Y, Shimizu H, Baba M, Adeniji A, Williams AJ, Kilpatrick DR, Oberste MS, Wassilak SG, Tomori O, Pallansch MA Kew O. Multiple Independent Emergences of Type 2 Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses during a Large Outbreak in northern Nigeria. J Virol. 87(9): 4907-4922, 2013.
  6. Chen DS, Locarnini S, Wait S, Bae SH, Chen PJ, Fung JY, Kim HS, Lu SN, Sung J, Tanaka J, Wakita T, Ward J, Wallace J; CEVHAP North Asia Workshop on Viral Hepatitis. Report from a Viral Hepatitis Policy Forum on implementing the WHO Framework for Global Action on viral hepatitis in North Asia. J Hepatol. 59(5): 1073-80, 2013.
  7. Fujii Y, Kitaura K, Matsutani T, Shirai K, Suzuki S, Takasaki T, Kumagai K, Kametani Y, Shiina T, Takabayashi S, Katoh H, Hamada Y, Kurane I, Suzuki R: Immune-Related Gene Expression Profile in Laboratory Common Marmosets Assessed by an Accurate Quantitative Real-Time PCR Using Selected Reference Genes. PLoS ONE. 8(2): e56296, 2013.
  8. Fukuhara M, Iwami S, Sato K, Nishimura Y, Shimizu H, Aihara K, Koyanagi Y. Quantification of the dynamics of enterovirus 71 infection by experimental-mathematical investigation. J Virol. 87(1): 701-5, 2013.
  9. Guan D, Li W, Su J, Fang L, Takeda N, Wakita T, Li TC, and Ke C. Asian Musk Shrew as a Reservoir of Rat Hepatitis E Virus, China. Emerg Infect Dis. 19(8): 1341-1343, 2013.
  10. Harada S, Tokuoka E, Kiyota N, Katayama K, Oka T. Phylogenetic analysis of the nonstructural and structural protein encoding region sequences, indicating successive appearance of genomically diverse sapovirus strains from gastroenteritis patients. Jpn J Infect Dis. 66(5): 454-7, 2013.
  11. Higo-Moriguchi K, Shirato H, Someya Y, Kurosawa Y, Takeda N, Taniguchi K. Isolation of cross-reactive human monoclonal antibodies that prevent binding of human noroviruses to histo-blood group antigens. J. Med. Virol. 86(4), 558-567, 2013.
  12. Hovi T, Paananen A, Blomqvist S, Savolainen-Kopra C, Al-Hello H, Smura T, Shimizu H, Nadova K, Sobotova Z, Gavrilin E, Roivainen M. Characteristics of an Environmentally Monitored Prolonged Type 2 Vaccine Derived Poliovirus Shedding Episode that Stopped without Intervention. PLoS One. 8(7): e66849, 2013.
  13. Iizuka S, Takai-Todaka R, Ohshiro H, Kitajima M, Wang Q, Saif LJ, Wakita T, Noda M, Katayama K, Oka T. Detection of multiple human sapoviruses from imported frozen individual clams. Food Environ Virol. 5(2): 119-25, 2013.
  14. Ishida H, Kato T, Takehana K, Tatsumi T, Hosui A, Nawa T, Kodama T, Shimizu S, Hikita H, Hiramatsu N, Kanto T, Hayashi N, Takehara T. Valine, the branched-chain amino acid, suppresses hepatitis C virus RNA replication but promotes infectious particle formation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 437(1): 127-33, 2013.
  15. Jariyapong P, Xing L, van Houten NE, Li TC, Weerachatyanukul W, Hsieh B, Moscoso CG, Chen CC, Niikura M, Cheng RH. Chimeric hepatitis E virus-like particle as a carrier for oral-delivery. Vaccine. 31:417–24, 2013.
  16. Khamrin P, Thongprachum A, Kikuta H, Yamamoto A, Nishimura S, Sugita K, Baba T, Kobayashi M, Okitsu S, Hayakawa S, Shimizu H, Maneekarn N, Ushijima H. Three clusters of Saffold viruses circulating in children with diarrhea in Japan. Infect Genet Evol. 13 (Jan): 339-43, 2013.
  17. Kobayashi M, Makino T, Hanaoka N, Shimizu H, Enomoto M, Okabe N, Kanou K, Konagaya M, Oishi K, Fujimoto T. Clinical manifestations of coxsackievirus A6 infection associated with a major outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis. 66, 260-261, 2013.
  18. Kondo Y, Kato T, Kimura O, Iwata T, Ninomiya M, Kakazu E, Miura M, Akahane T, Miyazaki Y, Kobayashi T, Ishii M, Kisara N, Sasaki K, Nakayama H, Igarashi T, Obara N, Ueno Y, Morosawa T, Shimosegawa T. 1(OH) vitamin D3 supplementation improves the sensitivity of the immune-response during Peg-IFN/RBV therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients-case controlled trial. PLoS One. 8(5): e63672, 2013.
  19. Kroneman A, Vega E, Vennema H, Vinjé J, White PA, Hansman G, Green K, Martella V, Katayama K, Koopmans M. Proposal for a unified norovirus nomenclature and genotyping. Arch Virol. 158(10): 2059-68, 2013.
  20. Kuroki M, Ariumi Y, Hijikata M, Ikeda M, Dansako H, Wakita T, Shimotohno K, Kato N. PML tumor suppressor protein is required for HCV production. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 430(2): 592-7, 2013.
  21. Law JL, Chen C, Wong J, Hockman D, Santer DM, Frey SE, Belshe RB, Wakita T, Bukh J, Jones CT, Rice CM, Abrignani S, Tyrrell DL, Houghton M. A Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Vaccine Comprising Envelope Glycoproteins gpE1/gpE2 Derived from a Single Isolate Elicits Broad Cross-Genotype Neutralizing Antibodies in Humans. PLoS One. 8(3): e59776, 2013.
  22. Lee H, Cifuente JO, Ashley RE, Conway JF, Makhov AM, Tano Y, Shimizu H, Nishimura Y, Hafenstein S: A strain-specific epitope of enterovirus 71 identified by cryo-electron microscopy of the complex with Fab from neutralizing antibody. J Virol. 87: 11363-11370, 2013.
  23. Li TC, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Takeda N, Wakita T. No Evidence for Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 3 Susceptibility in RatsEmerg Infect Dis. 19(8): 1343-5, 2013.
  24. Li TC, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Yasuda S, Yoshimatsu K, Arikawa J, Takeda N, and Wakita T. Full-Genome Characterization of a Rat Hepatitis E Virus Strain Isolated in Vietnam. EID. 19(1): 115-8, 2013.
  25. Li TC, Yoshizaki S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Yasuda SP, Yoshimatsu K, Arikawa J, Takeda N, Wakita T. Susceptibility of laboratory rats against genotypes 1, 3, 4, and rat hepatitis E viruses. Vet Microbiol. 163(1-2): 54-61, 2013.
  26. Li W, Guan D, Su J, Takeda N, Wakita T, Ke C, Li TC. High prevalence of rat hepatitis E virus in wild rats in China. Vet Microbiol. 165 (3-4): 275-80, 2013.
  27. Maehama T, Fukasawa M, Date T, Wakita T, Hanada K. A class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase plays an indispensable role in hepatitis C virus replication. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 11;440(1):150-156, 2013.
  28. Matsumoto Y, Matsuura T, Aoyagi H, Matsuda M, Hmwe SS, Date T, Watanabe N, Watashi K, Suzuki R, Ichinose S, Wake K, Suzuki T, Miyamura T, Wakita T, Aizaki H. Antiviral Activity of Glycyrrhizin against Hepatitis C Virus In Vitro. PLoS One. 8(7): e68992, 2013.
  29. Minami-Fukuda F, Nagai M, Takai H, Murakami T, Ozawa T, Tsuchiaka S, Okazaki S, Katayama Y, Oba M, Nishiura N, Sassa Y, Omatsu T, Furuya T, Koyama S, Shirai J, Tsunemitsu H, Fujii Y, Katayama K, Mizutani T: Detection of Bovine Group A Rotavirus Using Rapid Antigen Detection Kits, RT-PCR and Next-Generation DNA Sequencing. J Vet Med Sci. 75:1651-5, 2013.
  30. Murakami K, Kurihara C, Oka T, Shimoike T, Fujii Y, Takai-Todaka R, Park Y, Wakita T, Matsuda T, Hokari R, Katayama K. Norovirus binding to intestinal epithelial cells is independent of histo-blood group antigens. PLoS One. 8(6): e66534, 2013.
  31. Murakami Y, Fukasawa M, Kaneko Y, Suzuki T, Wakita T, Fukazawa H. Selective estrogen receptor modulators inhibit hepatitis C virus infection at multiple steps of the virus life cycle. Microbes Infect. 15(1):45-55, 2013.
  32. Nakajima S, Watashi K, Kamisuki S, Tsukuda S, Takemoto K, Matsuda M, Suzuki R, Aizaki H, Sugawara F, Wakita T. Specific inhibition of hepatitis C virus entry into host hepatocytes by fungi-derived sulochrin and its derivatives. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 440(4): 515-20, 2013.
  33. Nishimura Y, Lee H, Hafenstein S, Kataoka C, Wakita T, Bergelson JM, Shimizu H. Enterovirus 71 binding to PSGL-1 on leukocytes: VP1-145 acts as a molecular switch to control receptor interaction. PLoS Pathog. 9: e1003511, 2013.
  34. Oshiumi H, Aly HH, Funami K, Matsumoto M, Seya T. Multi-step regulation of type I interferon induction by hepatitis C virus. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 61(2): 127-38, 2013.
  35. Rau SJ, Hildt E, Himmelsbach K, Thimme R, Wakita T, Blum HE, Fischer R. CD40inhibits replication of hepatitis C virus in primary human hepatocytes by c-Jun N terminal kinase activation independent from the interferon pathway. Hepatology. 57(1): 23-36, 2013.
  36. Sakata K, Hara M, Terada T, Watanabe N, Takaya D, Yaguchi S, Matsumoto T, Matsuura T, Shirouzu M, Yokoyama S, Yamaguchi T, Miyazawa K, Aizaki H, Suzuki T, Wakita T, Imoto M, Kojima S. HCV NS3 protease enhances liver fibrosis via binding to and activating TGF-β type I receptor. Sci Rep. 22;3: 3243, 2013.
  37. Shimura S, Ishima M, Nakajima S, Fujii T, Himeno N, Ikeda K, Izaguirre-Carbonell J, Murata H, Takeuchi T, Kamisuki S, Suzuki T, Kuramochi K, Watashi K, Kobayashi S, Sugawara F. Total synthesis and anti-hepatitis C virus activity of MA026. J Am Chem Soc. 135 (50): 18949-18956, 2013.
  38. Shiota T, Li TC, Yoshizaki S, Kato T, Wakita T, Ishii K. The hepatitis E virus capsid C-terminal region is essential for the viral life cycle: implication for viral genome encapsidation and particle stabilization. J Virol. 87(10): 6031-6, 2013.
  39. Suzuki R, Matsuda M, Watashi K, Aizaki H, Matsuura Y, Wakita T, Suzuki T. Signal peptidase complex subunit 1 participates in the assembly of hepatitis C virus through an interaction with E2 and NS2. PLoS Pathog. e1003589, 2013.
  40. Suzuki T, Oshiumi H, Miyashita M, Aly HH, Matsumoto M, Seya T. Cell Type-Specific Subcellular Localization of Phospho-TBK1 in Response to Cytoplasmic Viral DNA. PLoS One Dec. 8(12): e83639, 2013.
  41. Takebe Y, Saucedo CJ, Lund G, Uenishi R, Hase S, Tsuchiura T, Kneteman N, Ramessar K, Tyrrell DL, Shirakura M, Wakita T, McMahon JB, O'Keefe BR. Antiviral Lectins from Red and Blue-Green Algae Show Potent In Vitro and In Vivo Activity against Hepatitis C Virus. PLoS One. 8(5): e64449, 2013.
  42. Tanaka T, Kuroda K, Ikeda M, Wakita T, Kato N, Makishima M. Hepatitis C virus NS4B targets lipid droplets through hydrophobic residues in the amphipathic helices. J Lipid Res. 54(4): 881-92, 2013.
  43. Tao Z, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Xu A, Lin X,Yoshida H, Xiong P, Zhu S, Wang S,2, Yan D, Song L, Wang H, Cui N, Xu W. Isolation and Characterization of a Type 2 Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus from Environmental Surveillance in China, 2012. PLoS ONE. 8(12): e83975. 2013.
  44. Tripathi LP, Kambara H, Chen YA, Nishimura Y, Moriishi K, Okamoto T, Morita E, Abe T, Mori Y, Matsuura Y, Mizuguchi K: Understanding the biological context of NS5A-host interactions in HCV infection: a network-based approach. J Proteome Res. 12: 2537-2551, 2013.
  45. Ueda Y, Takeda M, Mori K, Dansako H, Wakita T, Kim HS, Sato A, Wataya Y, Ikeda M, Kato N. New preclinical antimalarial drugs potently inhibit hepatitis C virus genotype 1b RNA replication. PLoS One. 8(8): e72519, 2013.
  46. Watashi K, Liang G, Iwamoto M, Marusawa H, Uchida N, Daito T, Kitamura K, Muramatsu M, Ohashi H, Kiyohara T, Suzuki R, Li J, Tong S, Tanaka Y, Murata K, Aizaki H, Wakita T. Interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α trigger restriction of hepatitis B virus infection via a cytidine deaminase activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID). J Biol Chem. 288(44): 31715-31727, 2013.
  47. Yang T, Kataoka M, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Kishida N, Shirakura M, Imai M, Asanuma H, Takeda N, Wakita T, Li TC. Characterization of Self-Assembled Virus-Like Particles of Ferret Hepatitis E Virus Generated by Recombinant Baculoviruses. J Gen Virol. 94 Pt 12:2647-56, 2013.
  48. Yasui Y, Makino T, Hanaoka N, Shimizu H, Kanou K, Kobayashi M, Konagaya M, Fujimoto T. A Case of Atypical Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease Caused by Coxsackievirus A6: Differential Diagnosis from Varicella in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Jpn J Infect Dis. 66, 564-566, 2013.
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