Valosin-Containing Protein (VCP/p97) Is Required for Poliovirus Replication and Is Involved in Cellular Protein Secretion Pathway in Poliovirus Infection.

Arita M, Wakita T, and Shimizu H

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Chlamydia trachomatis co-opts GBF1 and CERT to acquire host sphingomyelin for distinct roles during intracellular development.

C.A. Elwell, S. Jiang, J.H. Kim, A. Lee, T. Wittmann, K. Hanada, P. Melancon, and J.N. Engel

PLoS Pathog. 7, e1002198, 2011

クラミジア・トラコマチス菌(Chlamydia trachomatis)は日本を含む先進諸国において性感染症の最大起因病原体となっている。

Development of a Transcription-Reverse Transcription Concerted Reaction Method for Specific Detection of Human Enterovirus 71 from Clinical Specimens

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手足口病もしくはヘルパンギーナの患者の咽頭拭い液から、エンテロウイルス71(EV71)を特異的かつ迅速に検出するTranscription-Reverse Transcription Concerted Reaction (TRCR)法を開発した。

Extensive gene deletions in Japanese patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia.

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Interferon-γ-producing immature myeloid cells confer protection against severe invasive group A Streptococcus infections

Matsumura T, Ato M, Ikebe T, Ohnishi M, Watanabe H, Kobayashi K.

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Copyright 1998 National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan